Hola gent,
del 22 al 29 de juny s'està organitzant una setmana d'ajuda a l'usuari
del web des de Mozilla, segurament coincidint amb la imminent sortida
del Firefox 3.5.
En teniu més detalls a:
A mesura que s'acosti la data, anirem tenint propostes més concretes,
però a nivell de comunitat catalana podem anar plantejant ja les
nostres pròpies aproximacions. Si us plau, no dubteu a fer-les arribar
en aquesta mateixa llista.
Per altra banda, com a primera tasca, se'ns suggereix com hauria
d'anomenar-se aquest esdevenitment en català. Vegeu:
En el bug ja podeu veure-hi algunes traduccions en altres llengües.
Un suggeriment:
«Setmana comunitària de Mozilla»
En teniu cap altre? ;)
Toni Hermoso Pulido
Temps de testing per al proper Firefox 3.5.
-------- Missatge original --------
Assumpte: Testing the release candidate for Firefox 3.5
Data: Fri, 22 May 2009 11:00:45 -0700
De: Seth Bindernagel <sethb(a)mozilla.com>
A: dev-l10n <dev-l10n(a)lists.mozilla.org>
CC: qa(a)mozill.org
To all of our great community localizers and testers...
Over the past few weeks, many of our Mozilla community members have done
testing and landed fixes for Firefox as we close in on our release. We
are now in the last hours before we ship our release candidate that we
can comfortably call Firefox 3.5. If you have time this weekend, it is
a great opportunity to do some last minute testing for your localization.
**Where to download the latest nightly version of the Firefox 3.5
release candidate*
Please "hammer" on these builds mercilessly to make sure that things
work well! If you notice things that worked in Firefox 3.5 Beta 4 and
do not work in this release, we would like to know about it right away.
**What to Test*
You can run a set of localization test cases by going to Litmus,
Mozilla's testing suite. This URL will take you to the "l10n run".
If you don't have a Litmus account, you should be able to create one
quickly. Please email us if you need any help.
**How to report feedback*
Please try filing a bug for your locale with Bugzilla. The basic set of
instructions are below. If you are not comfortable filing a bug, you
can report it to your locale leader who should be listed in the specific
locale on this main Teams page:
Things to remember when filing a bug in https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/
1. Always include the Build ID that you tested on. If you type
about: in the URL bar, this will give you the Build ID.
2. Always include clear Steps to Reproduce the bug
3. Always check to see if your bug has already been filed. This link
will help: http://tinyurl.com/2465be
4. Use the regression keyword if it indeed a regression from a
previous release. And, please tell us in the main comment of the
bug if it is a regression from a previous release.
5. If you happen to crash, please include the Breakpad ID in the bug.
You can get this by typing about:crashes in the URL bar.
If you don't wish to file a bug, report issues through
http://feedback.mozilla.org or through the
mozilla.feedback.firefox.prerelease newsgroup (also available on Google
Groups). However, we prefer bugs as feedback since those are easier to
Finally, keep in mind that no comments or questions are off limits.
Please send along any remarks, questions, feedback you think is
appropriate at you test. It's all appreciated.
Thanks to all of you for helping test Firefox and making it the browser
of choice for millions and millions of people all over the world!
Toni Hermoso Pulido
correspon al segon fitxer de https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=488281
si no hi poseu pegues, dimecres o divendres ho repasso i ho dono per bo.
# Survey #22
# XUL Developer Community: Resources, Documentation and Tools
;XUL Developer Community: Resources, Documentation and Tools
Comunitat de desenvolupadors de XUL: recursos, documentació i eines
;<p>Thank you for participating in this Mozilla survey for XUL
developers. This survey will help us identify the different tools,
resources and documentation used by XUL communities across
Europe.</p><p>Thank you for your contribution to help us reach this
<p>Gràcies per participar en aquesta enquesta de Mozilla per a
desenvolupadors de XUL. Aquest sondeig ens ajudarà a identificar les
diferents eines, recursos i documentació emprats per les comunitats de
XUL d'arreu d'Europa.</p><p>Thank you for your contribution to help us
reach this goal!</p>
;Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
Gràcies per dedicar el vostre temps a completar l'enquesta.
;Do you know any XUL-dedicated resources (documentation, blogs, wikis,
books, etc.) or communication channels (IRC, forum, mailing list, ...)
in your native language?
Coneixeu cap recurs dedicat a XUL (documentació, blocs, wikis,
llibres, etc.) o canals de comunicació (IRC, fòrums, llistes de
correu...) en la vostra llengua materna?
;Yes (please specify below)
Sí (si us plau, especifiqueu-ho a sota)
;If you answered <em>Yes</em>, please list the resources below:
Si heu contestat <em>Sí</em>, si us plau feu una llista dels recursos a sota:
;Have you used any resources written in English?
Heu utilitzat recursos escrits en anglès?
;(Please leave unanswered if English is your native tongue.)
Si us plau, no ho contesteu si l'anglès és la vostra llengua materna.
;Yes (please specify below)
Sí (si us plau, especifiqueu-ho a sota)
;I don't recall
No ho recordo
;If you answered <em>Yes</em>, please list the resources below:
Si heu contestat <em>Sí</em>, si us plau feu una llista dels recursos a sota:
;Where do you get support related to XUL development?
On trobeu ajuda relacionada amb el desenvolupament de XUL?
;5<br/>(very often)
5<br/>(molt sovint)
;Forum on xulplanet
Fòrum a xulplanet
;Forum on mozillazine
Fòrum a mozillazine
;Mozilla Usenet groups
Grups de discussió de Mozilla
;Mozdev mailing list
llista de correu de Mozdev
;Local channels<br/>(please specify below)
Canals locals<br/>(si us plau, especifiqueu-ho a sota)
;Other (please specify below)
Altres (si us plau, especifiqueu-ho a sota)
;Local resources:
Recursos locals
;Which website do you consult when looking for documentation?
Quina web consulteu quan cerqueu documentació?
;5<br/>(very often)
5<br/>(molt sovint)
;Local resources<br/>(please specify below)
Recursos locals<br/>(si us plau, especifiqueu-ho a sota)
;Other (please specify below)
Altres (si us plau, especifiqueu-ho a sota)
;Local resources:
Recursos locals:
;Is there XUL documentation in your own language on MDC?
Hi ha documentació de XUL en la vostra llengua al MDC?
;1 - none at all
1 - gens
;5 - complete
5 - completament
;If not, is this a problem for you?
Si no, és un problema?
;Please leave unanswered if it doesn't apply.
Si us plau, no ho contesteu si no escau
;1 - no, not at all
1 - no, de cap manera
;5 - yes, definitely
5 - sí, definitivament
;If not, in your opinion, is this a problem for other developers
speaking your own language?
Si no, en la vostra opinió, és un problema per a altres
desenvolupadors que parlen la vostra llengua?
;Please leave unanswered if it doesn't apply.
Si us plau, no ho contesteu si no escau
;1 - no, not at all
1 - no, de cap manera
;5 - yes, definitely
5 - sí, definitivament
;Which tools do you use?
Quines eines empreu?
;<a href="http://mxr.mozilla.org">MXR</a>
<a href="http://mxr.mozilla.org">MXR</a>
;<a href="http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/dxr/">DXR</a>
<a href="http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/dxr/">DXR</a>
;<a href="http://www.oxymoronical.com/experiments/apidocs/">API Docs</a>
<a href="http://www.oxymoronical.com/experiments/apidocs/">Documentació
de les API</a>
;<a href="http://www.mozdev.org">Mozdev</a>
<a href="http://www.mozdev.org">Mozdev</a>
;<a href="http://www.hevanet.com/acorbin/xul/top.xul">top.xul</a>
<a href="http://www.hevanet.com/acorbin/xul/top.xul">top.xul</a>
;<a href="http://ted.mielczarek.org/code/mozilla/xuledit/xuledit.xul">liveeditor.xul</a>
<a href="http://ted.mielczarek.org/code/mozilla/xuledit/xuledit.xul">liveeditor.xul</a>
;<a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XUL_Explorer">XUL Explorer</a>
<a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XUL_Explorer">Explorador XUL</a>
;<a href="http://getfirebug.com/releases/">Chromebug/Firebug</a>
<a href="http://getfirebug.com/releases/">Chromebug/Firebug</a>
;<a href="http://www.mozilla.org/projects/venkman/">Venkman</a>
<a href="http://www.mozilla.org/projects/venkman/">Venkman</a>
;<a href="http://www.openkomodo.com/">Komodo</a>
<a href="http://www.openkomodo.com/">Komodo</a>
;<a href="http://ted.mielczarek.org/code/mozilla/extensionwiz/">Extension
<a href="http://ted.mielczarek.org/code/mozilla/extensionwiz/">Auxiliar
per a extensions</a>
;<a href="http://ted.mielczarek.org/code/mozilla/jscomponentwiz/">Javascript
Component Wizard</a>
<a href="http://ted.mielczarek.org/code/mozilla/jscomponentwiz/">Auxiliar
pe a componenets Javascript</a>
;<a href="http://starkravingfinkle.org/projects/fizzypop/">FizzyPop -
Mozilla Project Generator</a>
<a href="http://starkravingfinkle.org/projects/fizzypop/">FizzyPop -
Generador de projectes de Mozilla</a>
;<a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/7434">Extension
<a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/7434">Desenvolupador
;Other (please specify below)
Altres (si us plau, especifiqueu-ho a sota)
;If you would like us to contact you with further questions or inform
you about other community members and upcoming events, or about the
results of this survey, please leave your contact information below:
Si desitgeu que us contactem amb futures qüestions o que us informem
sobre altres membres de la comunitat i propers esdeveniments, o sobre
els resultats d'aquesta enquesta, si us plau deixeu la vostra
informació de contacte a sota:
;Any additional comments?
Algun comentari addicional?
Eduard Gamonal