Us aviso així us estalvio entrar i veure que ja està fet.
Ja he aplicat aquest canvi que ens han comentat! ;)
*String change*
The tagline for Firefox for iOS changed from " Get it on iPhones and
iPads" to " Fast. Smart. Yours.".
If you translated the App Store material, you already localized this
string, just with a different case:
Vagi bé :)
Bona tarda,
Aquesta llista no té activitat des de fa mesos. La suprimirem i passarem a
utilitzar tots només la llista "mozilla", on típicament només s'havien
tractat temes de traducció.
Fins ara!
al Firefox 43 devtools apareix el concepte de nursery en les cadenes de
té a veure amb el garbage collector.
aquí més dades…
nursey és l'espai jove (young space) del heap (no ho confonguem amb
de la mateixa manera també existeix l'old space
podem o traduir-ho per "espai jove" o deixar "nursery"
Uns pocs fitxers per la web
recordeu que hi ha la campanya de la tardor també.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Francesco Lodolo [:flod] <flod(a)>
Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: [l10n-web] Teach folder on Pootle
To: Rhoslyn Prys <rprys(a)>, Mozilla projects web content
localization <dev-l10n-web(a)>
Cc: dev-l10n(a)
Il 22/10/15 11:48, Rhoslyn Prys ha scritto:
> This folder has appeared on webparts/teach in Pootle.
> Is there any background info, eta? Can we localize the SmartOn name, etc?
Hi Rhoslyn,
Cross-posting to dev-l10n web, since that would be the best place for this
I didn't send an email to the mailing list yet because I didn't want to
create unnecessary noise while everyone is busy catching up with content
for Fall Campaign. And because these pages, given their size, will remain
optional unless we have an explicit request from engagement (i.e. it might
happen for newsletter locales).
There are 4 files, only 2 of them will be published starting November 3
(index.lang and tracking.lang). The opt-in request can be done from the
dashboard, and you can also use the "view" link to check the pages. Example
for Welsh:…
SmartOn: yes, it can be localized.
dev-l10n-web mailing list
Un recordatori per posar-nos en marxa aviat
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "delphine" <lebedel.delphine(a)>
Date: Oct 9, 2015 12:15 AM
Subject: FirefoxOS 2.5 schedule update
To: <dev-l10n(a)>
Hi everyone,
Time for a recap on FxOS 2.5 schedule - and what that means in terms of
l10n. For the general FxOS schedule, please consult the 2.5 planning wiki
Here are the next important dates for you:
* STRING FREEZE: Nov. 2nd.
** 2 weeks before that (so around Oct 19th) is a good time to start
catching up with your strings.
** You may want to consider to start catching up now if you have a lot of
missing strings
* Nov 16th: testing starts. As usual, we will only be able to test a
certain number of locales (TBD). Please consider doing your own testing, ie
checking the strings you translate on the actual device, correcting any
issues you may see, and filing bugs for issues that need a dev fix (CC me
on the bug if you're unsure). Also, please consider using your phone as a
primary device so you can spot any issues and correct them.
** As usual, we cannot test and sign-off on locales that have more than 300
missing strings at the time testing starts
* Testing cycle will last 1 month: see [2] for details on that.
dev-l10n mailing list