Queden aproximadament dues setmanes per les noves versions. Intentaré fer
la majoria de les localitzacions durant el cap de setmana. Si algú pensa
treballar-hi, que m'avisi i ens podem coordinar o discutir coses.
Anit és va validar la versió 21.x de Firefox en valencià. Falta que
facen el mateix amb la versió de Thunderbird i de SeaMonkey.
Ja queda menys.
-------- Missatge original --------
Assumpte: Mozilla Add-ons: Valencian Catalan Language Pack for Firefox
21.0.1 Fully Reviewed
Data: Tue, 04 Jun 2013 23:10:06 -0000
De: amo-editors(a)mozilla.org
A: pau.selles(a)josoc.cat
Your add-on, Valencian Catalan Language Pack for Firefox 21.0.1, has been fully reviewed by an editor and is now available for download in our gallery at https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/valencian-catalan-languag-9702/
Kris Maglione
This version has been approved for the public. Due to caching and mirroring on our site, it can take a few hours before this change is visible, so please be patient.
Keep up the good work!
Tested on Linux with Firefox
To learn more about the review process, please visit https://addons.mozilla.org/developers/docs/policies/reviews#selection
If you have any questions or comments on this review, please reply to this email or join #amo-editors on irc.mozilla.org
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En Jeff ens envia el recordatori que estem a mig camí.
Pensem-hi, que sempre treballem molt justos de temps i si hi ha problemes
amb el push a mozilla podem perdre una versió
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeff Beatty <jbeatty(a)mozilla.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 12:44 AM
Subject: 3 weeks to go before Firefox 22 releases
To: dev-l10n(a)lists.mozilla.org
Hi everyone,
Just a friendly reminder that we are half-way into the cycle.
Here are the KEY DATES for this cycle:
Beta sign-offs due by 17 JUNE.
Aurora sign-offs due by 24 JUNE.
Firefox released on 25 JUNE.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be sure to sign off on your localizations. Many
locales stalled at Beta last cycle because they simply didn't complete
sign-off reviews.
Firefox 23 (Aurora) has nearly 300 new strings to localize for desktop and
60 for fennec. Firefox 23 desktop is adding the Mixed Content Blocking
feature, which adds many new strings to the product. For info on that
feature, see this blog post from the security team:
Thank you all for your dedication! As always, let us know how we can help.
*Jeff Beatty*
L10n Program Manager
@mozilla_l10n <http://twitter.com/mozilla_**l10n<http://twitter.com/mozilla_l10n>
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