[Mozilla] Fwd: [l10n-web] State of Mozilla 2011

Eduard Gamonal egamonal a softcatala.cat
dim nov 20 18:33:36 CET 2012

volem traduir l'informe anual?
són 140 frases. ho puc anar fent però agrairé que algú faci una revisió del
text, com a mínim.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pascal Chevrel <pascal.chevrel a free.fr>
Date: Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 10:21 AM
Subject: [l10n-web] State of Mozilla 2011
To: dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org

Hi guys,

Please check your webdashboard for the translation of Mozilla Annual Report
for 2011 :)


The page is being created but the text is final therefore you can translate
in parallel.

We will publish it on November 11  but since this is content that is
staying on the website for a very long term, if you don't have time to do
it before we publish the annual report, there is no problem doing it
afterwards (I will do daily pushes of the translations).

We translated the State of Mozilla last year for the first time and got it
in 16 languages, let's see how many we can do for 2011 ;)


dev-l10n-web mailing list
dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org
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