[Mozilla] Persona: deadline for the next release is Tuesday, August 29 5:00 PM UTC
vicent a vcubells.net
diu ago 19 08:27:05 CEST 2012
Jo arribe a casa aquesta nit. Demà podré ajudar ja...
, Vicent Cubells
----- Reply message -----
De: "Eduard Gamonal" <egamonal a softcatala.cat>
Para: "Traducció al català dels productes basats en la tecnolo gia Mozilla" <mozilla a llistes.softcatala.org>
Asunto: [Mozilla] Persona: deadline for the next release is Tuesday, August 29 5:00 PM UTC
Fecha: dom., ago. 19, 2012 08:03
Tinc una connexió de 56k a través del mòbil i no sé pas si ho podré acabar a temps.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Matjaz Horvat"
Date: Aug 18, 2012 9:31 PM
Subject: Persona: deadline for the next release is Tuesday, August 29 5:00 PM UTC
To: "Mozilla projects web content localization" <dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org>, <dev-l10n-announce a lists.mozilla.org>
The next Persona release (train-2012.08.17) is scheduled for next
Wednesday, so we'd like to kindly ask you to finish your work by Tuesday,
August 29 5:00 PM UTC. New strings are already available in Verbatim & SVN.
This time we only have 5 new and 8 fuzzy strings.
If you're using Verbatim, please don't forget to commit your changes to VCS
under the Review tab. After that, you'll be able to test your translations
on our l10n preview environment.
Main site: https://translate.personatest.or<https://translate.personatest.org/>
Dialog: http://translate.123done.
(will be ready pretty soon)
Shall you have any questions, I'm happy to help.
dev-l10n-announce mailing list
dev-l10n-announce a lists.mozilla.org
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