[Mozilla] Fwd: [l10n-web] [Fx4 Special] Staging servers and new due dates!

Joan Montané joan a montane.cat
dij mar 24 09:01:34 CET 2011


adjunto el fitxer de les regions (nivell de comunitat autònoma). M'he
pres la "llicència" de posar-hi "País Valencià". Suposo que cap al
vespre podré adjuntar el de municipis.

Si això ja no cal, o no es pot actualitzar el web d'estadístiques...
feu-m'ho saber, :-)

Joan Montané

El 22 de març de 2011 16:41, Toni Hermoso Pulido
<toniher a softcatala.cat> ha escrit:
> En sóc conscient.
> Però es poden canviar unes poques o aquelles que siguin més adequades
> en fer-ho. El nom de les comunitats autònomes, regions o de les
> ciutats més importants, p. ex. No hi ha comarques.
> No seria tanta feina llavors. Pot ajudar-te:
> http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Llista_de_municipis_de_Catalunya
> http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Llista_de_municipis_de_la_Catalunya_del_Nord
> http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Llista_de_municipis_del_Pa%C3%ADs_Valenci%C3%A0
> http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Llista_de_municipis_de_les_Illes_Balears
> http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franja_de_Ponent (al final)
> a part de l'Alguer.
> Salut,
> El 22 de març de 2011 16:33, Eduard Gamonal <xadap2004 a gmail.com> ha escrit:
>> la toponímia funciona així:
>> * The continent names come from the messages.po you guys provided
>> * The country names come from mozilla.com via
>> http://svn.mozilla.org/libs/product-details/json/regions/
>> * The region names come from maxmind http://www.maxmind.com/app/fips10_4
>> * The city names come from maxmind (I think)
>> per corregir errors cal crear un mapa en json:
>> If you guys want to localize city names, the easiest way is to give me
>> a JSON file mapping english name to local name. We're not set up for
>> this right now but I think I can make it happen.
>> Here's an example en_US/cities.json
>> {"San Francisco": "SF",
>>  "New York": "Big Apple"}
>> espero que no hagi de ser exhaustiu... si ens fa falta noms de comarques
>> segur que trobem alguna llista de noms.
>> El racócatalà en té una per comarques, si no vaig errat, i ja em van
>> exportar la seva taula a sql en una ocasió.
>> de totes formes no crec que sigui possible avui fer una tasca tan gran :(
>> Edu
>> 2011/3/22 Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher a softcatala.cat>
>>> Ep,
>>> ja tenim el Firefox 4. Per facilitar la baixada de la versió en
>>> català, hem muntat una pàgina d'entrada a http://www.firefox.cat.
>>> A sota, quelcom per fer si algú s'hi anima.
>>> Per seguir les estadístiques hi ha un web:
>>> http://glow.mozilla.org/#arc
>>> Malauradament, sembla que, per la font originària, algunes poblacions
>>> de l'àmbit catalanoparlant no estan en la llengua pròpia.
>>> A sota hi ha més detalls.
>>> Estaría bé, tenir-ne unes quantes corregides. Caldria mirar a tots els
>>> territoris i diferents estats (Espanya, França, Andorra i Itàlia).
>>> Si algú s'hi anima, que ho comenti.
>>> Salut,
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Jeff Balogh <jbalogh a mozilla.com>
>>> Date: 2011/3/21
>>> Subject: Re: [l10n-web] [Fx4 Special] Staging servers and new due dates!
>>> To: Mozilla projects web content localization
>>> <dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org>
>>> Cc: benoit.leseul a gmail.com, Kevin Scannell <kscanne a gmail.com>,
>>> unghost a mozilla-russia.org, julenx a gmail.com
>>> I have cities.json for eu, fr, ga_IE, and ru so far (and a few
>>> regions.json).
>>> I realized that svn is a far better place for these than my inbox, so
>>> stas and I committed what I have so far.
>>> For example, ga_IE has cities.json and regions.json at the top level
>>> here: http://svn.mozilla.org/projects/l10n-misc/trunk/glow/locale/ga_IE/.
>>> If anyone else adds files to svn I'll pick them up next time I run the
>>> script to generate all the l10n.
>>> Thanks everyone!
>>> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 6:25 PM, Jeff Balogh <jbalogh a mozilla.com> wrote:
>>> > Here's how it all shakes out:
>>> >
>>> > * The continent names come from the messages.po you guys provided
>>> > * The country names come from mozilla.com via
>>> > http://svn.mozilla.org/libs/product-details/json/regions/
>>> > * The region names come from maxmind http://www.maxmind.com/app/fips10_4
>>> > * The city names come from maxmind (I think)
>>> >
>>> > When this stuff comes to my Python process I see country codes (US,
>>> > FR, etc.), region codes (00-99), and full city names. The city names
>>> > you see on the site are what I get from the backend log processors.
>>> > MaxMind is the service that translates IP addresses into
>>> > latitude/longitude and gives the country/region/city info.
>>> >
>>> > If you guys want to localize city names, the easiest way is to give me
>>> > a JSON file mapping english name to local name. We're not set up for
>>> > this right now but I think I can make it happen.
>>> >
>>> > Here's an example en_US/cities.json
>>> >
>>> > {"San Francisco": "SF",
>>> >  "New York": "Big Apple"}
>>> >
>>> > The format is {"key": "value"}, with the key and value inside quotes
>>> > and the whole thing wrapped in curly braces.
>>> >
>>> > I'm going to be away this weekend but if I find any cities.json in my
>>> > inbox I'll hook them up on Monday. I don't know the list of all city
>>> > names, and there will probably be more that we haven't translated as
>>> > more locations download Fx4.
>>> >
>>> > Here is the current data source:
>>> > http://glow.allizom.org/data/json/2011/03/19/01/20/arc.json. It
>>> > updates every minute and the timestamp is in UTC.
>>> >
>>> > On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Kevin Scannell <kscanne a gmail.com>
>>> > wrote:
>>> >> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 5:32 PM, Julen Ruiz Aizpuru <julenx a gmail.com>
>>> >> wrote:
>>> >>> az., 2011.eko marren 16a 16:21(e)an, Staś Małolepszy(e)k idatzi zuen:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Glow (Download stats) (March 21st)
>>> >>>> ==================================
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>     http://glow.allizom.org/
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> I need to verify if this server autoupdates.  Click the sector chart
>>> >>>> for some awesomeness!
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Just out of curiosity: where do the local city/town names come from?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> The names for Basque towns from the Spanish territories are displayed
>>> >>> in
>>> >>> Spanish, and it looks quite odd, since official names are Basque.
>>> >>> As far as I see the same thing doesn't happen for Catalan names, which
>>> >>> are
>>> >>> displayed in Catalan, just as they should.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I guess they're coming from some external service, but just asking...
>>> >>>
>>> >>
>>> >> Same issue in Irish.    I could provide a big PO file with all the
>>> >> "deanglicizations" of Irish town names if it would be possible to work
>>> >> that into the system in the same way that the countries, etc.
>>> >> are localized.
>>> --
>>> Toni Hermoso Pulido
>>> http://www.cau.cat
>>> Estigueu al dia de Mozilla des de:
>>> http://www.mozilla.cat
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Mozilla mailing list
>>> Mozilla a llistes.softcatala.org
>>> http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/mozilla
> --
> Toni Hermoso Pulido
> http://www.cau.cat
> Estigueu al dia de Mozilla des de:
> http://www.mozilla.cat
> _______________________________________________
> Mozilla mailing list
> Mozilla a llistes.softcatala.org
> http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/mozilla
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