[Mozilla] Fwd: Making the "More Encodings" submenu non-localizable

Eduard Gamonal xadap2004 a gmail.com
dim nov 9 18:13:54 CET 2010

Que entenen per fer-ho no localitzable, pero amb els titols localitzables?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Simon Montagu <smontagu a gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 12:07
Subject: Making the "More Encodings" submenu non-localizable
To: dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org

I just opened a bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=610638 to
make the "More Encodings" submenu non-localizable. I'll repeat here my
analysis of which localizations currently do anything with these menus:

Currently the vast majority of l10ns don't change the menu items at all.
Those that do make changes can be divided into three categories:

1) Those who actually translate the charset names, e.g. x-mac-grčki for
x-mac-greek. I haven't yet tested with the localized builds, but I expect
that this makes the menu items unusable. There is a localization note:

 ... If you're
# adding charsets to your localized version, please refer to
# intl/uconv/src/charsetalias.properties file for the list of canonical
# charset names and use canonical names exactly as listed there

but it's some distance away in the file, and maybe doesn't make it clear
enough that "use canonical names" applies to the existing items as well as
added charsets.
Localizations in this category: fy-NL, hr, ne-NP, ve

2) Those who change the order of the items within a sub-menu. zh-TW moves
Chinese Traditional (Big5) to the top of the "East Asian" sub-menu, and ka
moves Georgian (GEOSTD8) to the top of the "SE & SW Asian" sub-menu. I can
understand the motivation for making these charsets more accessible, but I
think the same purpose can be served by putting them into
intl.charsetmenu.browser.static so that they appear already in the
highest-level submenu.

3) Those who move items from one sub-menu to another. This includes hu and
hu only reverses the positions of iso-8859-1 and iso-8859-2, in other words
puts iso-8859-1 in "East European" and iso-8859-2 in "West European". sl
moves a whole group of charsets from "East European" to "West European":
ISO-8859-2, windows-1250, IBM852, and x-mac-ce. These charsets are all
labelled as "Central European", so I suppose they belong in one sub-menu as
much as the other, but does the move really benefit users?

Note that the charset *titles* will remain localizable via

Does anybody object to making these menus non-localizable?
dev-l10n mailing list
dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org
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