[Mozilla] Let's include Catalan in the browser ballot firstrun pages

Eduard Gamonal xadap2004 a gmail.com
dic mar 3 13:02:48 CET 2010

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2010/3/3 Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher a softcatala.org>:
> Hi Chris,
> I'm aware of EU Browser Ballot. Thanks for pointing me the link. We
> would try to have these pages translated/updated. I Cc our working
> list.
> I link you the translated strings as well (in UTF-8).
> http://gent.softcatala.cat/toniher/tmp/EUBallot-firstrun.ca.txt
> http://gent.softcatala.cat/toniher/tmp/EUBallot-strings.ca.txt
> Cheers,
> 2010/3/3 Chris Ilias <sumo a ilias.ca>:
>> Hi Toniher,
>> I don't know if you're aware of the EU browser ballot. I have blogged about
>> the work we have done here
>> <http://blog.mozilla.com/sumo/2010/03/02/help-update-articles-for-the-eu-browser-ballot/>.
>> Mozilla has set up a special firstrun page for users coming from the browser
>> ballot, with a link to a special Support page that we have created. We would
>> love to have those pages translated for Catalan users, because we expect
>> that the browser ballot will affect almost 3 million Catalan users.
>> Could you please translate the strings in these two text files, and send it
>> to me:
>> http://ilias.ca/sumo/EUBallot-firstrun.en.txt
>> http://ilias.ca/sumo/EUBallot-strings.en.txt
>> We will take care of creating the start pages. Once we have those strings
>> and the articles mentioned in the blog post are updated, we can then point
>> Catalan users to a Catalan version of the firstrun page. Thanks.
> --
> Toni Hermoso Pulido
> http://www.cau.cat
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