[Mozilla] MDN localitzable?

Toni Hermoso Pulido toniher a softcatala.cat
dll ago 30 16:03:39 CEST 2010

Hola Eduard,

estic d'acord amb tu.
La versió en català de: developer.mozilla.org/ca
fa temps que ningú hi posa res i, tenint en compte el gruix de feina que
tenim, doncs ja estem prou distrets…
Això sí, excepte algú nou, i amb un compromís al llarg del temps, vulgui
ficar-s'hi específicament.

Els meus cinc cèntims,

Al 27/08/10 13:22, En/na Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
> és possible que la mozilla developer network ara sigui localitzable?
> si és així, no estic segur que tinguem prou capacitat com per poder-la
> localitzar. a més a més, la majoria de gent catalanoparlant que
> l'utilitzaria segurament anirien directes a la versió anglesa, perquè
> els continguts estarien més actualitzats.
> què en penseu?
> Edu
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Jay Patel* <jay a mozilla.com <mailto:jay a mozilla.com>>
> Date: Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 17:12
> Subject: [l10n-web] New MDN website is live.
> To: Mozilla projects web content localization
> <dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org <mailto:dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org>>
> FYI:  Below is a snippet from my announcement for the new MDN launch.  I
> wanted to add that we will kick off l10n efforts very soon... so please
> start thinking about who in your locale can help get the new pages
> together for your language.   Also, all original localized content is
> still available, so please encourage your communities to continue
> accessing those pages as before.  I'll post again soon when we have a
> solid plan for getting MDN into Verbatim and a schedule for when you all
> can get involved.   Thanks!
> ------
> "Last night we launched a new front-end to
> https://developer.mozilla.org.   This is the first step in establishing
> our developer hub under the Mozilla Developer Network banner and we'll
> continue to add features and improve the experience there for developers.
> Our documentation wiki is still running on MindTouch Deki (and any
> existing pages/links are all accessible), but a series of new landing
> pages for various developer segments (Web, Mobile, Add-ons and Apps) and
> the integrated forums were added to improve discoverability of content
> (improved search, better navigation) and give us a platform to build out
> our developer engagement efforts for 2010 and beyond. "
> _______________________________________________

Toni Hermoso Pulido

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