[Recull] pregunta de fotografia
David Planella
david.planella a googlemail.com
diu ago 3 17:55:10 CEST 2008
2008/8/3 josep lladonosa <jlladono a xtec.cat>:
> Hola,
> Proposo "enforquillament automàtic".
Si anem per aquest camí, jo ho veig més com a «forca», que no pas
«forquilla». Per tant, proposaria «enforcament».
Com ja vaig comentar a la llista del GNOME, l'origen de «to bracket»
en aquest context sembla provenir d'aquí (curiosa l'analogia de
disparar els canons i disparar la càmera, per cert):
Bracket Brack"et, n. [Cf. OF. braguette codpiece, F. brayette,
Sp. bragueta, also a projecting mold in architecture; dim.
fr. L. bracae breeches; cf. also, OF. bracon beam, prop,
support; of unknown origin. Cf. Breeches.]
[1913 Webster]
7. (Gunnery) A figure determined by firing a projectile
beyond a target and another short of it, as a basis for
ascertaining the proper elevation of the piece; -- only
used in the phrase, to establish a bracket. After the
bracket is established shots are fired with intermediate
elevations until the exact range is obtained. In the
United States navy it is called fork.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Bracket Brack"et, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bracketed; p. pr. &
vb. n. Bracketing]
2. (Gunnery) To shoot so as to establish a bracket for (an
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
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