[Mozilla] Fwd: [l10n-web] mozilla.org: Please keep the home page localization up to date

Anna Rosich Soler arosichsoler a gmail.com
div nov 13 18:10:29 CET 2015

Hola! Benvingut, Pascal :)

Avui que tenia poca feina m'ho he estat mirant. Hi ha força cosa pendent!
Però el que em passa és que no sé què prioritzar. Ja he vist els correus
que diuen que mantinguem al dia la pantalla d'inici. Però després d'això,
què és millor que traduïm ara?

Jo puc anar fent quan tingui temps. De vegades sóc conscient que no tinc
gaire disponibilitat, però tinc ganes de posar-m'hi més, així que intentaré
prioritzar-ho sempre que em sigui possible! ;)

Parlaré amb una amiga de la uni que fa temps es va interessar per tot
plegat, aviam si s'hi anima i ens ajuda amb el web, per exemple. :)


2015-11-13 17:52 GMT+01:00 Eduard Gamonal <egamonal a softcatala.cat>:

> You finally did! Good to see you here pascal ;)
> Anna i papapep, fa temps que ho heu anat fent i el resultat és genial.  us
> veieu capaços d'adquirir el compromís de mantenir la web al dia? Us cal
> ajuda o seríeu suficients?
> En cap cas us deixariem sols. Es tracta de tenir algú que es cuidi de la
> web i que faci notar els problemes per poder-hi respondre a temps entre
> tots.
> On Nov 13, 2015 7:06 AM, "Pascal Chevrel" <pchevrel a mozilla.com> wrote:
>> Le 10/11/2015 09:44, Eduard Gamonal a écrit :
>> > Bon dia,
>> > Una recomanació del flod per mantenir-nos al dia
>> >
>> Bon dia :)
>> If you don't mind, I'll write to the list in English (or French or
>> Castillan if you prefer, just tell me), I haven't practiced Catalan in
>> years and can't write it anymore, but I can still read it so don't feel
>> obliged to reply to me in English.
>> Yes, flod is right, the home page should always be fully translated.
>> This is where people discover about us and most people never got beyond
>> that page.
>> The pages we ask to translate on mozilla.org range from 10 to 50
>> depending on the scope of your locale (number of users, range of
>> products localized, projects localized, size of the team...). That's not
>> a lot of content but that represents probably like 90% of the traffic on
>> the site, that means that if visitors see these pages in their langauge,
>> they genuinely think the whole site is actually done.
>> The home page is also our main marketing tool, we don't own search
>> engines, video downloading services, social networks or adversitising
>> networks. We don't have the resources for advertising IRL, like TV
>> commercials or billboards. Occassionnally we will do one such
>> advertising and that will burn a lot of our resources.
>> Mozilla.org home page is our main promotion tool for people that don't
>> yet use Firefox. And Firefox in-product pages is our main promotion tool
>> for people that already use our software.
>> I can't emphasize enough how much it is important that these tools that
>> do receive massive amounts of visitors need to he a focus for
>> localiation teams :)
>> Our resources, both staff and volunteers, are scarse. It might seem big
>> if we compare it to other small open source projects, but we are not
>> competing with them, we are competing frontally and brutally with the
>> biggest IT companies in the world (Google, Apple, Microsoft, Adobe,
>> Facebook…). They have deep pockets, we don't, we need to pick our
>> battles and energy where it has most impact.
>> Of course, volunteers are always free to choose whatever project they
>> want to focus on at Mozilla, even if it is considered as very marginal
>> (Seamonkey for example), that's also why we tend to also talk about core
>> volunteers that do share our goals and desire for impact and that agree
>> to put a special focus on shipping and promoting to the masses
>> (essentially Firefox and mozilla.org). In short, libre software
>> hacktivists that are also hightly pragmatist.
>> It took us (mainly flod and myself) considerable effort to make l10n a
>> first-class citizen in www.mozilla.org ober the years, it would be very
>> sad to have to get back to the old days when we had to scale back to a
>> handful of locales only instead of the 80+ we have now just because we
>> can't sustain a community around it.
>> Cheers
>> Pascal
>> PS: and yes, I did subscribe formally to the list this time ;)
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> Estigueu al dia de Mozilla des de:
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> Si voleu col·laborar en la traducció:
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> Podeu demanar ajuda i consell des de:
> http://www.mibbit.com/#mozilla-cat@irc.mozilla.org
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> Mozilla a llistes.softcatala.org
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