[Mozilla] Fwd: [l10n-web] mozilla.org: Please keep the home page localization up to date

Eduard Gamonal egamonal a softcatala.cat
dim nov 10 09:44:43 CET 2015

Bon dia,
Una recomanació del flod per mantenir-nos al dia
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Francesco Lodolo [:flod]" <flod a lodolo.net>
Date: Nov 10, 2015 9:17 AM
Subject: [l10n-web] mozilla.org: Please keep the home page localization up
to date
To: "Mozilla projects web content localization" <
dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org>

I think we all agree that the home page of mozilla.org is a great place to
showcase your localization, thanks to its huge audience and visibility.

It's also one of the pages that receive most updates (very small, 1 to 3
strings, but frequent): the page is currently enabled for 80 locales, but
*only 32 of them are complete*.

We have a mechanism on mozilla.org to ensure that we display only localized
content when a page receives updates after the first launch: new strings
are hidden behind a "tag", when localizers complete those strings we add
the tag to their localization file and start displaying the content on

While this feature works great on most page, it adds complexity to the
code. We have reached a point where it's almost impossible to account for
all possible variants and fallbacks on the home page (12 tags), and we'll
soon need to clean it up.

One possible solution is to start from a clean state, but that also means
we might need to disable several locales (48 if we'd do it now).
While we're not there yet, please try to keep up with the home page
localization as much as you can (mozorg/home/index.lang).


dev-l10n-web mailing list
dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org
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