[Mozilla] Fwd: Re: new strings on 1.3, gaia-community on master

Jordi Serratosa jordis.lists a gmail.com
diu feb 9 14:04:11 CET 2014

Ara veig aquest missatge...
- No m'havia posat a traduir cap de les noves cadenes que el Toni havia 
- Ara hi entrava i n'he traduït una (no big deal si es perd)
- Pensava que el problema de la cadena "noti?cations" estava ja resolt 
i, tal com diu l'Edu, encara hi és... com és això?

En tot cas, m'espero a tirar-ho endavant fins que digueu alguna cosa

El 09/02/2014 13:59, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
> Ho estic mirant ara i sospito de frases com:
> "Swipe down from top to access recent noti?cations, credit information 
> and settings."
> (fixeu-vos que té un interrogant)
> i ja existeix abans, traduïda i tot "Swipe down to access recent 
> notifications, credit information and settings."
> On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Toni Hermoso Pulido 
> <toniher a softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher a softcatala.cat>> wrote:
>     Ep,
>     l'he tornat a posar al dia. Han sortit algunes cadenes
>     addicionals, crec.
>     Jordi, hi has traduït?
>     El 09/02/14 13:19, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
>         ep toni, pot ser que alguna cosa no quadri?
>         Gaia (Firefox OS) <http://pootle.softcatala.org/ca/gaia/>
>           * Completat
>                 12845   2014-02-04 23:39 (jordis)
>         fixa't que la darrera activitat és del dia 4 i el teu correu del 6
>         On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:31 PM, Toni Hermoso Pulido
>         <toniher a softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher a softcatala.cat>
>         <mailto:toniher a softcatala.cat
>         <mailto:toniher a softcatala.cat>>> wrote:
>             Ep,
>             he pujat unes poques cadenes addicionals del Gaia al Pootle.
>             Salut,
>             -------- Missatge original --------
>             On 2/6/14 2:20 PM, Axel Hecht wrote:
>                 Hi,
>                 I just pushed 10 new strings to 1.3, please get to
>         those quickly.
>                 For gaia-community, I migrated that to
>         /gaia-l10n/en-US, aka master.
>                 That's 150 strings compared to the previous 1.3 status.
>                 Master is for 1.4, and the schedule for 1.4 is going
>         to be different
>                 than previous schedules.
>                 I'll have a few townhalls once we're actually sharing the
>                 schedule in
>                 public.
>                 I removed 1.1 and 1.2 from the dashboards, those are
>         wrapped up.
>                 Axel
>             PS:
>             The settings strings are developer debug strings, for the
>         Async Pan Zoom
>             Controller, APZC in short.
>             Feel free to leave those in English, I expect those to get
>         removed once
>             APZC works flawlessly, too.
>     -- 
>     Toni Hermoso Pulido
>     http://www.cau.cat
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