[Mozilla] Fwd: Firefox Aurora L10n Report

Eduard Gamonal egamonal a softcatala.cat
dij jul 4 09:00:22 CEST 2013

Detalls sobre les noves cadenes del Pootle:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeff Beatty
Date: Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 12:22 AM
Subject: Firefox Aurora L10n Report
To: dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org

Hello localizers!

Thank you all for your great work with Firefox 22 and 23. Here's an outline
of what is currently in Aurora this cycle and what we accomplished together
last cycle:

This cycle* (June 24th - August 5th)*

Key dates include:
    - Beta sign offs are due before July 29th.
*     - Aurora sign offs are due before August 5th.
*     - Firefox 23 releases August 6th.

    - 141 new strings were added to Aurora desktop, 71 for Aurora mobile
    - The desktop strings cover additions to the update dialog and plugin
    - The mobile strings cover crash & data reporting, media usage, and CSS
layout properties.

Please remember that sign offs are a critical piece to the cycle and mean
that you approve and can vouch for the work you're submitting for shipment.

Last cycle (May 14th - June 24th)

Noteworthy accomplishments:
    - 78% of all locales shipped Firefox 22 on desktop updates on time.
That is a 10% increase from last cycle and has the potential to impact,
literally, millions of users. Congratulations!
    - Several locales have come back to activity (e.i., shipped with 22)
after a long period of absence. Please re-welcome:
        - Songhay
        - Zulu
        - Northern Sotho
        - Swahili
        - Tamil
    - l10n.mozilla.org was re-designed and released!
    - L20n 1.0.0 Beta 3 was also released!

Thank you to everyone for all of your dedication and hard work this last
sprint. As always, if you note anything missing in these reports, please
let me know.


*Jeff Beatty*
L10n Program Manager
@mozilla_l10n <http://twitter.com/mozilla_**l10n<http://twitter.com/mozilla_l10n>
dev-l10n mailing list
dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org
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