[Mozilla] Fwd: [l10n-web] [Marketplace] .po files updated

Eduard Gamonal egamonal a softcatala.cat
dij gen 3 02:11:34 CET 2013

l'script d'en Wil diu que tenim molta feina a l'AMO
si algú si vol posar mirem com fer-ho.
la prioritat és, però, firefox, thunderbird, firefox mobil, les webs i
potser Gaia.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Wil Clouser <wclouser a mozilla.com>
Date: Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 5:43 AM
Subject: [l10n-web] [Marketplace] .po files updated
To: Awesome Localizers <dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org>


I am an automated script letting you know the AMO .po files have just been
updated.  Unless something unusual is happening, we do weekly pushes on
Thursdays so any strings committed by then will go live.  To give you an
idea of the number of new strings I will calculate untranslated strings.

Printing number of untranslated strings found in locales:
./af    3213
./ar    3760
./bg    2079
./bn_IN 4015
./ca    1997
./cs    334
./cy    3794
./da    2191
./dbg   0
./de    102
./el    2284
./en_US 0
./es    129
./eu    3095
./fa    3794
./fi    3147
./fr    102
./fy_NL 3794
./ga_IE 2211
./he    3637
./hr    3838
./hu    2038
./id    3391
./it    102
./ja    2323
./ko    102
./ku    4015
./mn    3760
./nl    102
./pl    131
./pt_BR 102
./pt_PT 1535
./ro    3809
./ru    441
./sk    2096
./sl    1105
./sq    2541
./sr_Latn       3793
./sr    3713
./sv_SE 3281
./te    4015
./th    3642
./tr    2824
./uk    3658
./vi    2635
./zh_CN 102
./zh_TW 495

If you have any questions please reply to the list.

Thanks so much for all your help!
dev-l10n-web mailing list
dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org
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