[Mozilla] Fwd: Lightning Localizers: Please check the localized versions!

Eduard Gamonal egamonal a softcatala.cat
dic ago 28 11:21:00 CEST 2013

Estava comprovant això.
Al meu thunderbird tinc l'opció "visualitza > calendari" en gris i no
aconsegueixo activar-la.
no obstant, a "preferències > calendari" surt tot en català

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Philipp Kewisch
Date: Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 3:25 PM
Subject: Lightning Localizers: Please check the localized versions!
To: dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org

Hello Folks,

the recent switch of infrastructure has caused quite some confusion and I
apologize for this. Nevertheless, I do hope in the future this will become
easier to handle for all of us.

I have noticed and heard reports, that some versions of Lightning are not
working with a localized Thunderbird. The only example I have right now is
the French version.

You can get the latest version here, be sure to use a matching Thunderbird


The cause for this, at least so I believe, is that the order of commit and
sign-off is not correct. Here are some examples of what will work out:

1. commit Lightning changeset 49065
2. commit Thunderbird changeset 49066
3. sign off changeset 49066 on the *Thunderbird* dashboard

1. Thunderbird localizer commits Thunderbird l10n changeset 60344
2. Thunderbird localizer signs off changeset 60344
3. Lightning localizer commits Lightning l10n changeset 60345
3. Lightning localizer signs off changeset 60345 on the TB dashboard

Also, a few "BAD" scenarios, to give you a feeling of why it may have gone

1. commit and sign off Thunderbird localization changeset 23795
2. commit Lightning localization files changeset 23796
Why? Build infrastructure will update to 23795, which doesn't contain the
Lightning changes

1. commit Lightning localization files changeset 86335
2. sign off on the calendar dashboard
3. ignore whatever is happening on the Thunderbird dashboard
Why? Build infra will no longer handle the calendar dashboard changesets.
Please use the Thunderbird dashboard instead

1. Lightning localizer commits Lightning l10n changeset 71240
2. Thunderbird localizer commits Thunderbird l10n changeset 71241
3. Thunderbird localizer signs off changeset 71241
4. Lightning localizer signs off changeset 71240 on the TB dashboard
Why? Not sure if this even works, but you would be signing off an older
changeset, therefore the Thunderbird changes would not be part of the

1. Lightning localizer commits and signs off changeset 93469
2. Thunderbird localizer commits and signs off changeset 93470
3. Thunderbird localizer commits 93471 that should not be signed off
4. Lightning localizer makes corrections and comits and signs off 93472
Why? The Thunderbird build will contain the changes from Step 3, which the
Thunderbird localizer did not want to have in the product. Communication is
important here!
dev-l10n mailing list
dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org
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