[Mozilla] Thunderibrd Up for Grabs features
Eduard Gamonal
egamonal a softcatala.cat
div maig 18 10:01:08 CEST 2012
si algú té interès en traduir això es pot penajr a mozilla.cat
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 9:11 PM, Mark Banner <mbanner a mozilla.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> For Thunderbird we recently launched a new initiative for encouraging new
> contributors to take on developing features for Thunderbird.
> We're looking to get this more widely promoted across our communities, and
> so we're asking if you could spend a bit of time localising at least the
> blog post and posting it to your community.
> The blog post is available here:
> http://blog.mozilla.org/**thunderbird/2012/05/07/up-for-**grabs/<http://blog.mozilla.org/thunderbird/2012/05/07/up-for-grabs/>
> If you do translate and post, please send me direct a link to it so that
> we have a reference.
> Any questions please ask.
> Mark.
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