[Mozilla] Fwd: Calendar: Help Lightning understand your email
Toni Hermoso Pulido
toniher a softcatala.cat
dll nov 28 17:36:36 CET 2011
Ep Benny,
Fantàstic! Deixa un comentari al seu blog i així et tindrà present la persona.
També pots afegir-te al bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=403222
El 28 de novembre de 2011 17:33, Benny Beat <bennybeat a gmail.com> ha escrit:
> Bones Toni!!!
> Jo faig servir el Lightning de manera habitual des de fa força temps, i em
> sento identificat amb la solució poc elegant que de moment existeix per
> poder crear-ne una cita; convertir el correu en una tasca, etc etc... Per
> tant, estic interessat en col·laborar a solucionar aquest bug. Com ho fem,
> et registres tu i em dius que haig de fer? O directament deixo el meu
> comentari al web que comentes (com han fet els altres traductors) i espero
> instruccions???
> GRÀCIESSSsssss!!!
> Benny ^_^"
> Al 28/11/2011 15:05, En/na Toni Hermoso Pulido ha escrit:
> Algú que empri el Lightning s'anima a fer-ne proves?
> Pot respondre a la llista del missatge a sota o aquí:
> http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/calendar/2011/11/help_lightning_understand_email.html
> Salut,
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Merike Sell <merikes a gmail.com>
> Date: 2011/11/27
> Subject: Calendar: Help Lightning understand your email
> To: dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org
> As a Lightning user I often wish that all events would arrive at my
> Inbox as invitations in the iCalendar format. This way I could just
> click the accept button and it would be added to my calendar. But they
> don't. Often people just write you a text-based email when they want
> to invite you somewhere. So you right-click the email, choose convert
> to event and a new event dialog opens with start date set to next full
> hour. Not quite correct unless you're really lucky.
> This is why I'm working on an extension to Lightning which would fill
> in dates and times automatically from email content. The basic idea is
> that localizers can define most common ways dates and times are
> referred to in their language similarly to how they localize Lightning
> itself. Using these patterns event dialog can be much smarter about
> setting start and end times and in most cases you wouldn't need to
> correct them at all.
> Since Lightning is localized into 38 languages and language variants I
> need your help. If you fluently speak a language other than English
> and would be willing to spend some time to localize the patterns and
> test this prototype on your emails then please drop me an email. Do so
> even if you speak only English as you can still help with testing.
> Feedback on when it guesses correctly and when not is crucial to
> improving the extension. What works great in English may not work well
> in your language and of course everyone's email is different too. With
> your feedback I can improve my extension so that this functionality
> can be included into Lightning later on (the curious can follow bug
> 403222 where more technical information will be posted).
Toni Hermoso Pulido
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