[Mozilla] localització de webify me

Eduard Gamonal xadap2004 a gmail.com
div jul 8 15:42:52 CEST 2011

la iniciativa Webify Me necessita una mica de cura. algú ho vol fer?jo puc
anar-hi ficant les mans, però també tenim coses de thunderbird. ens queda
entre una  setmana per fer-ho


   tl;dr:  Webify Me is a quiz about users' browsing habits.  It's
   still work in progress, but we're starting the l10n process early.
   Opt in at <https://l10n-stage-sj.mozilla.org/webby/webify-me>.

Here are some details about the project:

   Timeline: 3-4 weeks from now (17 juny)

   Check out the screenshots:

       Landing page: http://cl.ly/1Y0R3v1V3j1i1r2c3G3E
       Collage: http://cl.ly/0U3T3D1U2K162u1J1F34

   And the staging site:

       (might be broken, still work in progress)

Even more details:

   Strings: 330
   Words: 5800
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