[Mozilla] canvia una url que utilitzem
Eduard Gamonal
xadap2004 a gmail.com
div ago 19 10:44:29 CEST 2011
passem de l10n.mozilla.org a l10n.mozilla-community.org
potser us afecta i trobeu les coses en un altre lloc a partir d'avui :)
Date: Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 20:05
Subject: HEADS UP: new url for the l10n community server coming up, aka,
narro, webdashboard, etc
To: dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org
We will change the domain of the l10n community server from l10n.mozilla.orgto
We're also going to redirect l10n.mozilla.org to
l10n.mozilla-community.orgfor a week or so.
Then we'll start showing what's currently l10n-stage-sj on l10n.m.o. At that
point, we'll likely have a pointer to l10n.mozilla-community.org in the
footer and/or 404 pages.
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