[Mozilla] Fwd: [l10n-web] [OPT IN] Mark Up, make your mark in GML powered by WebGL!

Toni Hermoso Pulido toniher a softcatala.cat
dis abr 30 19:47:40 CEST 2011

Per mi endavant.

Si altra gent de la llista s'hi vol animar, crec que fent-ho des del
Verbatim és bona cosa.

Al 30/04/11 19:29, En/na Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
> voleu traduir això?
> jo podria assumir la majoria de cadenes
> Edu
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Staś Małolepszy <stas a mozilla.com>
> Date: 2011/4/29
> Subject: [l10n-web] [OPT IN] Mark Up, make your mark in GML powered by WebGL!
> To: dev-l10n-web <dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org>
> Hiya,
>   ======================
>    Abstract:
>    Mark Up is an interactive canvas & WebGL demo, 160 strings
>    Opt-in here: https://l10n-stage-sj.mozilla.org/webby/markup
>   ======================
> Congrats on all the hard work that went into releasing Firefox 4 and
> making the noise about it.  110,000,000 downloads and counting. Nice
> work!
> We're working on a set of follow-up campaigns which we'd like to launch
> in May and June, to bring Firefox back on the lips of everyone again.
> Drawing inspiration from natural phenomena, we dubbed this campaign
> 'The Rolling Thunder.'  We hope we just got your imagination going :)
> The first project on the plate is Mark Up.  A canvas-and-webgl powered
> manifesto where people can make their own marks in support of Mozilla
> mission.  Even Roth of the GML fame helped us create an interface for
> drawing your own graffiti-like marks, which can then be viewed in
> a three-dimansional space.
> It's a great testament of what modern browsers and (buzzword alert)
> Native HTML5 are capable of.
> The site is small, with concise copy, and the wow-effect pretty much
> guaranteed.
>   ======================
>    Logistics:
>    Opt-in here: https://l10n-stage-sj.mozilla.org/webby/markup (you
>    need to be logged in; please *do not* opt in in this email thread.)
>    Verbatim: https://localize.mozilla.org/projects/markup
>    SVN: http://svn.mozilla.org/projects/l10n-misc/trunk/markup/locale/
>    Screenshot: http://grab.by/9YV2
>    Stage: https://markup.allizom.org
>    Login/passwd: Log in at
>    https://l10n-stage-sj.mozilla.org/webby/markup to find the login
>    credentials.
>    Due date: May 9th
>    Launch date: May 10th
>   ======================
> As before, we encourage you to try to engage with other member of the
> community who might be looking for a way to contribute.
> This campaign and the other which will be announced soon will shape up
> the stage for upcoming Firefox 5 as well, so we hope you'll be as
> excited as we are to bring it to the user in your region!
> Let us know if you have any questions.

Toni Hermoso Pulido

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