[Mozilla] Fwd: Updating holiday calendars at http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/holidays.html
Toni Hermoso Pulido
toniher a softcatala.cat
dim des 21 21:17:17 CET 2010
en el passat vaig mantenir un fitxer .ical dels dies festius dels Països
Inicialment prenia com a model els que feia el Col·lectiu Visca la Terra:
però quan va desaparèixer la iniciativa, el 2009, vaig fer-la manualment
prenent la informació dels diferents llocs.
Malauradament el 2010 no vaig continuar-ho, i fins aquí estem.
Si algú estigués interessat en continuar-lo, sé que la gent de la
Fundació .CAT tenen un calendari de l'estil. Se'ls podria demanar i
fer-lo servir de model.
Al 21/12/10 20:31, En/na Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
> algú sap res d'això?
> Edu
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Jan* <jan.bambach a hotmail.de <mailto:jan.bambach a hotmail.de>>
> Date: Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 15:45
> Subject: Updating holiday calendars at
> http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/holidays.html
> To: dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org <mailto:dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org>
> We're in a desperate need for updated holiday calendars, as many have
> not yet been updated for 2011.
> In detail, we're looking for calendars for the following countries /
> locales:
> * Basque
> * Belgium (Dutch)
> * Chile
> * Greece
> * India
> * Kazakhstan
> * Lebanon
> * Malta
> * Namibia
> * Puerto Rico
> * Singapore
> * Sri Lanka
> * Switzerland
> * Turkey
> All of these local calendars will expire when they're not updated and
> will have to be removed if we don't find a contributor who can support
> them.
> If you would like to help, please follow these steps:
> * Click here ( http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/holidays.html
> ) and download the current version of the holiday calendar in your
> locale.
> * Import the calendar into Lightning/Sunbird.
> * Edit the Dates and/or add new Events/Holidays for at least the
> next 2 years.
> * Export the calendar; switch to calendar mode and choose "File >
> Export Calendar". Then save the calendar file to a place that you can
> remember, e.g. your desktop.
> * Go here ( http://bit.ly/eqdz6S ) and log-in with your Bugzilla
> credentials
> * File a bug in the Calendar component, Website category.
> Describe, which locale you're adding a calendar file for and tell us
> what years your file covers.
> * Attach your updated holiday calendar file to the bug (you
> created this in step 1)
> Once complete, we can update the calendar file on the website as soon
> as possible.
> Thanks in advance!
> If you need further information about this process, don't hesitate to
> contact us in the #calendar-website channel on irc.mozilla.org
> <http://irc.mozilla.org> or
> calendar a mozilla-uk.org <mailto:calendar a mozilla-uk.org>
Toni Hermoso Pulido
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