[GNOME] dubtes
Eullia Pags Morales
eulaliapages a gmail.com
dic des 18 16:46:34 CET 2013
S'ha de traduir el *\"quick and dirty\" *?
En cas ques si, *dirty* s'ha de traduir per brut o millor posar una
paraula menys malsonant?
The Brightness-Contrast tool adjusts the brightness and contrast levels
for the active layer or selection. This tool is easy to use, but
relatively unsophisticated. The Levels and Curve tools allow you to make
the same types of adjustments, but also give you the ability to treat
bright colors differently from darker colors. Generally speaking, the BC
tool is great for doing a*\"quick and dirty\" *adjustment in a few
seconds, but if the image is important and you want it to look as good
as possible, you will use one of the other tools.
Un altre dubte,
No tinc idea com traduir el*-drag and -drag*. És una frase feta?, algú
en sap algun possible equivalent?
Meanwhile, on the canvas, the mouse pointer has the form of an
eye-dropper. If you click on a pixel, a vertical line appears on the
chart, positioned to the source value of this pixel in the selected
channel. If you <keycap>Shift</keycap>-click, you create an anchor in
the selected channel. If you <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>-click, you create an
anchor in all channels, possibly including the Alpha channel. You can
also <keycap>Shift</keycap>*-drag and <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>-drag*: this
will move the vertical line and the anchor will show up when releasing
the mouse left button.
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