[GNOME] dubtes gimp vocabulari
Eullia Pags Morales
eulaliapages a gmail.com
diu des 1 19:47:59 CET 2013
Hola a tothom,
He hagut de traduircrash, que en el recull de termes posa fallar, però
tal com s'ha de traduir no queda bé, de moment hi he posat petar, però
també podria ser fer malbé, quina posaríeu? O potser s'us acut alguna
altre cosa.
so some operations may not work or even crash <acronym>GIMP</acronym>.
algunes operacions potser no funcionen o fins i tot peten el <acronym>
GIMP </acronym>.
Tampoc tinc clar si *Aα *i *— *s'han de traduir o es deixen
tal com està. Us copio les cadenes on es troben.
Click on the fonts button <guibutton>Aα</guibutton> to open the
font selector of this tool, which offers you a list of installed X fonts.
Of course this feature is more useful for entering special (even exotic)
characters, provided that the required glyphs for these characters are
supplied by the selected font — only few fonts support Klingon. ;-)
Some of these operations are very basic operations like
<quote>color</quote> which fills the active selection or layer with the
specified color, while operations like <quote>fractal-explorer</quote>
produce fairly complex patterns — just like a <link
linkend=\"filters-render\">rendering filter</link>.
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