[GNOME] [Fwd: GIMP 2.8 release approaching]
Pau Iranzo
paulists a gmail.com
dis ago 27 22:21:18 CEST 2011
He agafat el mòdul gimp-gap... ja que no estava assignat a ningú...
El 27 d’agost de 2011 14:32, Gil Forcada <gforcada a gnome.org> ha escrit:
> Bones,
> Els que us esteu mirant el GIMP, sembla que haureu de redoblar esforços
> per intentar enllestir tot el que pugueu, ja que pel que sembla estan
> acabant d'enllestir el GIMP 2.8 i no canviaran massa cadenes.
> També diu que quan decideixin no canviar cap més cadena tornaran a
> avisar.
> Organitzeu-vos vosaltres mateixos, però potser seria una bona idea fer
> una reunió (per IRC mateix) per organitzar-se, definir les prioritats,
> etc?
> Salut!
> --
> Gil Forcada
> [ca] guifi.net - una xarxa lliure que no para de créixer
> [en] guifi.net - a non-stopping free network
> bloc: http://gil.badall.net
> planet: http://planet.guifi.net
> ---------- Missatge reenviat ----------
> From: Michael Natterer <mitch a gimp.org>
> To: gnome-i18n a gnome.org
> Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2011 08:52:48 +0200
> Subject: GIMP 2.8 release approaching
> Hi translators,
> the GIMP 2.8 release is approaching. We are still working on open
> bugs and maybe some strings will change or be added, but there
> will not be any more larger string changes. Now is the time to
> start updating your language's PO files in GIMP master if your
> haven't already started. We will announce the strict string freeze
> here too.
> Please note that the gimp source tree has multiple message catalogs.
> They are located in the po, po-libgimp, po-plug-ins, po-python,
> po-script-fu, po-tags and po-tips directories.
> Please let us know if you find any errors in the english strings
> and we will fix them.
> Thanks a lot everybody for providing that many translations for GIMP! :)
> Mitch
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