[GNOME] [Fwd: Review needed for Pango language sample strings]

Josep Puigdemont josep.puigdemont a gmail.com
dic ago 27 14:01:10 CEST 2008

Hi diu "xef" i "whisky" perquè hi surtin totes les lletres de
l'abecedari. Aquest pangrama me'l va passar en Jesús Corrius, no
recordo qui n'és l'autor original, però em sembla que va sortir al
diari Avui (tot i que no hi posaria la mà al foc).



On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 1:44 PM, Mecatxis <mecatxis a gmail.com> wrote:
> Jove xef? Que tal «mestre», què és una expressió molt nostrada. I en comptes
> de whisky, ratafia!
> 2008/8/27 Gil Forcada <gforcada a gnome.org>
>> Bones,
>> Us sembla bé la que hi ha pel català?
>>         ca     /* Catalan */,
>>         WP-PANG,
>>         "Jove xef, porti whisky amb quinze glaçons d'hidrogen, coi!"
>>         /* Young chef, bring whisky with fifteen hydrogen ice cubes, damn!
>> */
>>        )
>> Ja direu i emplenareu el bug ;)
>> Salut!
>> --
>> gil forcada
>> [ca] guifi.net - una xarxa lliure que no para de créixer
>> [en] guifi.net - a non-stopping free network
>> bloc: http://gil.badall.net
>> ---------- Missatge reenviat ----------
>> From: Behdad Esfahbod <behdad a behdad.org>
>> To: gnome-i18n a gnome.org
>> Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 18:12:51 -0400
>> Subject: Review needed for Pango language sample strings
>> Hi,
>> Pango keeps a single string (sentence) per language that it uses
>> internally
>> and also exposes for other applications to use (in a font dialog for
>> example).
>>  Previously the sample text were quite limited (about 20 language
>> supported),
>> and bogus.  I have not extended the list to about a hundred tables.  I
>> used
>> various sample-string, pangram, and other resources freely available.
>>  These
>> can be found here:
>> http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/pango/trunk/pango/pango-language-sample-table.h?view=markup
>> I'm now asking translation teams to review the sentence for their language
>> now.  Please file a bug against pango at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/ if you
>> think a sample string needs to be changed.  A good sample string would be:
>>  - Politically correct
>>  - Representative of normal text in the language (so, no alphabetical
>> lists)
>>  - Exposes features unique to the language (European sample strings would
>> use
>> diacritics used in the target language for example)
>>  - Not too short, not too long
>>  - Not copied from what Windows uses (unless it's a very widespread thing
>> like "The quick brown fox..."
>> That's it.  Thanks in advance,
>> behdad
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