[Corrector] Fwd: Integrating LanguageTool grammar checker into Mac OS X native checker (NSSpellServer)

Pau Sellés i Garcia pau.selles a josoc.cat
diu gen 12 23:20:55 CET 2014

Hola Jaume.

Li faré una ullada al llarg de la setmana i et comente (i a la resta, clar!)

El 12/01/14 18:07, Jaume Ortolà i Font ha escrit:
> Per si algú de l'univers OS X ho vol provar... I per al Catalanitzador?
> Salutacions,
> Jaume Ortolà
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Ramon Poca* <ramon.poca a gmail.com <mailto:ramon.poca a gmail.com>>
> Date: 2014/1/12
> Subject: Integrating LanguageTool grammar checker into Mac OS X native
> checker (NSSpellServer)
> To: languagetool-devel a lists.sourceforge.net
> <mailto:languagetool-devel a lists.sourceforge.net>
> Hi there,
> I've been hacking around a bit with LanguageTool on OS X. I've written
> a native NSSpellServer service for OS X. It forwards check requests
> via HTTP to a local LanguageTool server.
> It's available for your perusal at:
> https://github.com/ramonpoca/LanguageToolNSServer
> Right now it's in the "weekend hack that works for my needs" status.
> I've been able to check several pages of catalan text with Textedit
> and other native editors.
> PS: It might be nice to have LanguageTool embedded somehow instead of
> a server. I've looked at j2obc, a Google Java to Objective-c
> translator, but I haven't really checked. 
> Can anyone recommend the minimal subset of LanguageTool that would be
> needed? Does the core depend on many third parties?
> Ramon Poca - ramon.poca a gmail.com <mailto:ramon.poca a gmail.com>
> Si vols canviar la subscripció o donar-te de baixa, fes-ho des de:
> _______________________________________________
> http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/corrector

Una salutació,
Pau Sellés i Garcia
pau.selles a josoc.cat

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