[Corrector] Fwd: ANN: LanguageTool 2.3

Jaume Ortolà i Font jaumeortola a gmail.com
dll set 30 18:53:59 CEST 2013

S'ha publicat la versió 2.3 de LanguageTool.

Jaume Ortolà

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Naber <list2006 a danielnaber.de>
Date: 2013/9/30
Subject: ANN: LanguageTool 2.3
To: LanguageTool Developer List <languagetool-devel a lists.sourceforge.net>

LanguageTool 2.3 has just been released. As usual, it is available for
download at http://www.languagetool.org. If you're using the
LibreOffice/OpenOffice add-on you can also make the update directly from
the extension manager (right mouse button -> Update).

Changes include:

* Many updates for the error detection rules for English, French,
Catalan, Ukrainian, Portuguese, German, and Breton

* LanguageTool requires Java 7 now

* Use of multiple threads for text checking on modern hardware,
improving performance

* Rule syntax improvements

* English now has a chunker to detect singular and plural noun chunks

* The standalone version now underlines errors with a red or blue line

* Java API cleanups and improved thread-safety

* Other small bug fixes

Please see http://www.languagetool.org/download/CHANGES.txt for a
complete list of changes.

The release is not yet available on Maven Central, I'm working on that.

MD5 sums:
28660ca3735a877822dc46c635709f8c  LanguageTool-2.3.oxt
9add48ed802d46d6ad358a2ebfbdefcf  LanguageTool-2.3.zip
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