[Android] new Beta - SlideIT keyboard in Catalan
Roger Martin
rogermartin.2005 a gmail.com
dim feb 22 22:20:50 CET 2011
No se si algú llegeix aquest email, però aqui està, SlideIT en català!
On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 3:28 PM, Dasur <slideit a mobiletextinput.com> wrote:
> Hi
> As we promise [?]
> Finally we are going to release new version of SlideIT
> With new language packs ! include: Catalan and Brazilian
> can you check it, and send us your feedback....
> Thanks a lot for your help J
> -----*
> Assaf Cohen
> Technical Support Manager
> Dasur Team*
> *
> [image: newlogo_dasur_slideit.png]
> *
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