[Admpub] instlux al roadmap d'OpenSuSE10.3

Jordi Massaguer jordimassaguerpla a yahoo.es
dic maig 9 16:36:14 CEST 2007

Hola a tots,

només us volia fer partíceps de la notícia. En el roadmap d'OpenSuSE10.3 apareix l'inclusió d'instlux, per tant, OpenSuSE10.3, que sortirà a l'Octubre, inclourà l'instlux.

Adjunto el roadmap, que ha estat publicat a les llistes públiques d'OpenSuSE.


jordi massaguer pla

----- Mensaje reenviado ----
De: Andreas Jaeger <aj a suse.de>
Para: opensuse-announce a opensuse.org
Enviado: miércoles, 9 de mayo, 2007 15:19:20
Asunto: [opensuse-announce] openSUSE 10.3 Roadmap

We are happy to announce the final roadmap for openSUSE 10.3. openSUSE
10.3 is the next release that incorporates new features from both the
community and Novell internal development.  The distribution will be
build for the x86, x86-64 and Power PC platforms.

Major *planned* enhancements are:

* 1 CD install (network at install)
* Installation of a Linux system on HD directly from a Live-CD image
* UMTS support
* Enhance zypper
* Migration assistant instlux
* Integration of external repositories
* Dynamic update mirrors
* Edu Add-on CD (done largely by the community)
* GNOME 2.20
* KDE4 preview
* Reduction of boot time
* Reduced package dependencies, smaller minimal system

Most important dates of the schedule are:
Wed, May 16     openSUSE 10.3 Alpha4 release
Thu, Jun 14     openSUSE 10.3 Alpha5 release
Thu, Jul 19     openSUSE 10.3 Alpha6 release
Thu, Aug  9     openSUSE 10.3 Beta1 release
Thu, Aug 23     openSUSE 10.3 Beta2 release
Thu, Sep  6     openSUSE 10.3 Beta3 release
Thu, Sep 20     openSUSE 10.3 Release Candidate 1 release
Thu, Sep 27     openSUSE 10.3 Goldmaster release (internal)
Thu, Oct  4     openSUSE 10.3 public release

The detailed schedule - including internal test releases - is available
at:  http://en.opensuse.org/Roadmap/10.3

Michael and Andreas
 Andreas Jaeger, aj a suse.de, http://www.suse.de/~aj/
  SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
   Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
    GPG fingerprint = 93A3 365E CE47 B889 DF7F  FED1 389A 563C C272 A126

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