Fwd: One week before merge

Queda una setmana per tancar el cicle. Tot i que som a locamotion, aquest cop també farem els sign-off manualment. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Dwayne Bailey <dwayne@translate.org.za> Date: Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 3:26 PM Subject: Re: One week before merge To: Jeff Beatty <jbeatty@mozilla.com> Cc: dev-l10n <dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org> On 18 November 2014 13:34, Jeff Beatty <jbeatty@mozilla.com> wrote:
Hi everyone!
I wanted to send out a reminder that there is only one week left before merge day. Firefox/Fennec 35 (Aurora) will be the last version to land in Beta for 2014. Please spend some time this week updating your localization and signing off before 35 moves to Beta.
And for Pootle users. We've grown used to commit Friday, which is no longer thanks to the automated commits. From our side we won't be doing any signoffs after Friday (in fact Thursday as I'll be travelling on Friday) until after the merge is completed. Your options 1) Do you own signoffs, 2) Ask nicely. -- Dwayne *Translate* +27 12 460 1095 (work) _______________________________________________ dev-l10n mailing list dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n

Ep, 100% traduïts els projectes del locamotion (menys el "Web Parts"). Edu, quedava pendent això d'un altre missatge:
- He fet algunes correccions de cadenes que la migració no havia pillat bé.
Quina mena d'errors han aparegut? codificació? estaven buides? Access keys? identificadors duplicats?
No cal notificar res, eren errors tontos: cadenes que segurament havia traduït durant la migració.
- Per al FirefoxOS (gaia) els següents fitxers no existeixen a locamotion i sí existien al Pootle: \gaia-ca\apps\browser\browser.properties.po \gaia-ca\apps\browser\manifest.properties.po Els 2 fitxers són aquests del Pootle antic: http://pootle.softcatala.org/ca/gaia/apps/browser/ Això sembla que és el navegador per al Firefox OS. És normal que no hi siguin?
ho pregunto
Any news? salut jordi s El 19/11/2014 a les 11:05, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
Queda una setmana per tancar el cicle. Tot i que som a locamotion, aquest cop també farem els sign-off manualment.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: *Dwayne Bailey* <dwayne@translate.org.za <mailto:dwayne@translate.org.za>> Date: Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 3:26 PM Subject: Re: One week before merge To: Jeff Beatty <jbeatty@mozilla.com <mailto:jbeatty@mozilla.com>> Cc: dev-l10n <dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org <mailto:dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org>>
On 18 November 2014 13:34, Jeff Beatty <jbeatty@mozilla.com <mailto:jbeatty@mozilla.com>> wrote:
Hi everyone!
I wanted to send out a reminder that there is only one week left before merge day. Firefox/Fennec 35 (Aurora) will be the last version to land in Beta for 2014. Please spend some time this week updating your localization and signing off before 35 moves to Beta.
And for Pootle users. We've grown used to commit Friday, which is no longer thanks to the automated commits. From our side we won't be doing any signoffs after Friday (in fact Thursday as I'll be travelling on Friday) until after the merge is completed. Your options 1) Do you own signoffs, 2) Ask nicely.
-- Dwayne
*Translate* +27 12 460 1095 <tel:%2B27%2012%20460%201095> (work) _______________________________________________ dev-l10n mailing list dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org <mailto:dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org> https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n
____________________________________________________ Estigueu al dia de Mozilla des de: http://www.mozilla.cat Si voleu col·laborar en la traducció: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Projectes/Mozilla Podeu demanar ajuda i consell des de: http://www.mibbit.com/#mozilla-cat@irc.mozilla.org ___________________________________________________ Mozilla@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/mozilla _______________________________________________ Codi de conducta: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Codi_de_conducta
participants (2)
Eduard Gamonal
Jordi Serratosa