Fwd: Re: new strings on 1.3, gaia-community on master

Ep, he pujat unes poques cadenes addicionals del Gaia al Pootle. Salut, -------- Missatge original -------- On 2/6/14 2:20 PM, Axel Hecht wrote:
I just pushed 10 new strings to 1.3, please get to those quickly.
For gaia-community, I migrated that to /gaia-l10n/en-US, aka master. That's 150 strings compared to the previous 1.3 status.
Master is for 1.4, and the schedule for 1.4 is going to be different than previous schedules.
I'll have a few townhalls once we're actually sharing the schedule in public.
I removed 1.1 and 1.2 from the dashboards, those are wrapped up.
PS: The settings strings are developer debug strings, for the Async Pan Zoom Controller, APZC in short. Feel free to leave those in English, I expect those to get removed once APZC works flawlessly, too. Axel _______________________________________________ dev-l10n mailing list dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n

ep toni, pot ser que alguna cosa no quadri? Gaia (Firefox OS) <http://pootle.softcatala.org/ca/gaia/> - Completat 12845 2014-02-04 23:39 (jordis)fixa't que la darrera activitat és del dia 4 i el teu correu del 6 On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:31 PM, Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher@softcatala.cat
he pujat unes poques cadenes addicionals del Gaia al Pootle.
-------- Missatge original --------
On 2/6/14 2:20 PM, Axel Hecht wrote:
I just pushed 10 new strings to 1.3, please get to those quickly.
For gaia-community, I migrated that to /gaia-l10n/en-US, aka master. That's 150 strings compared to the previous 1.3 status.
Master is for 1.4, and the schedule for 1.4 is going to be different than previous schedules.
I'll have a few townhalls once we're actually sharing the schedule in public.
I removed 1.1 and 1.2 from the dashboards, those are wrapped up.
The settings strings are developer debug strings, for the Async Pan Zoom Controller, APZC in short.
Feel free to leave those in English, I expect those to get removed once APZC works flawlessly, too.
Axel _______________________________________________ dev-l10n mailing list dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n
____________________________________________________ Estigueu al dia de Mozilla des de: http://www.mozilla.cat Si voleu col·laborar en la traducció: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Projectes/Mozilla Podeu demanar ajuda i consell des de: http://www.mibbit.com/#mozilla-cat@irc.mozilla.org ___________________________________________________ Mozilla@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/mozilla _______________________________________________ Codi de conducta: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Codi_de_conducta

Ep, l'he tornat a posar al dia. Han sortit algunes cadenes addicionals, crec. Jordi, hi has traduït? El 09/02/14 13:19, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
ep toni, pot ser que alguna cosa no quadri? Gaia (Firefox OS) <http://pootle.softcatala.org/ca/gaia/>
* Completat
12845 2014-02-04 23:39 (jordis)
fixa't que la darrera activitat és del dia 4 i el teu correu del 6
On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:31 PM, Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat>> wrote:
he pujat unes poques cadenes addicionals del Gaia al Pootle.
-------- Missatge original --------
On 2/6/14 2:20 PM, Axel Hecht wrote:
I just pushed 10 new strings to 1.3, please get to those quickly.
For gaia-community, I migrated that to /gaia-l10n/en-US, aka master. That's 150 strings compared to the previous 1.3 status.
Master is for 1.4, and the schedule for 1.4 is going to be different than previous schedules.
I'll have a few townhalls once we're actually sharing the schedule in public.
I removed 1.1 and 1.2 from the dashboards, those are wrapped up.
The settings strings are developer debug strings, for the Async Pan Zoom Controller, APZC in short.
Feel free to leave those in English, I expect those to get removed once APZC works flawlessly, too.
-- Toni Hermoso Pulido http://www.cau.cat

Ho estic mirant ara i sospito de frases com: "Swipe down from top to access recent noti?cations, credit information and settings." (fixeu-vos que té un interrogant) i ja existeix abans, traduïda i tot "Swipe down to access recent notifications, credit information and settings." On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher@softcatala.cat>wrote:
l'he tornat a posar al dia. Han sortit algunes cadenes addicionals, crec.
Jordi, hi has traduït?
El 09/02/14 13:19, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
ep toni, pot ser que alguna cosa no quadri? Gaia (Firefox OS) <http://pootle.softcatala.org/ca/gaia/>
* Completat
12845 2014-02-04 23:39 (jordis)
fixa't que la darrera activitat és del dia 4 i el teu correu del 6
On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:31 PM, Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat>> wrote:
he pujat unes poques cadenes addicionals del Gaia al Pootle.
-------- Missatge original --------
On 2/6/14 2:20 PM, Axel Hecht wrote:
I just pushed 10 new strings to 1.3, please get to those quickly.
For gaia-community, I migrated that to /gaia-l10n/en-US, aka master. That's 150 strings compared to the previous 1.3 status.
Master is for 1.4, and the schedule for 1.4 is going to be different than previous schedules.
I'll have a few townhalls once we're actually sharing the schedule in public.
I removed 1.1 and 1.2 from the dashboards, those are wrapped up.
The settings strings are developer debug strings, for the Async Pan Zoom Controller, APZC in short.
Feel free to leave those in English, I expect those to get removed once APZC works flawlessly, too.
-- Toni Hermoso Pulido http://www.cau.cat

Ep, això és un bug que ja es va resoldre, a central, malauradament. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=938302 Amb 1.3 haurem d'anar arreglant-ho cada vegada que fem commit a Hg. El 09/02/14 13:59, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
Ho estic mirant ara i sospito de frases com:
"Swipe down from top to access recent noti?cations, credit information and settings." (fixeu-vos que té un interrogant)
i ja existeix abans, traduïda i tot "Swipe down to access recent notifications, credit information and settings."
On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat>> wrote:
l'he tornat a posar al dia. Han sortit algunes cadenes addicionals, crec.
Jordi, hi has traduït?
El 09/02/14 13:19, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
ep toni, pot ser que alguna cosa no quadri? Gaia (Firefox OS) <http://pootle.softcatala.org/__ca/gaia/ <http://pootle.softcatala.org/ca/gaia/>>
* Completat
12845 2014-02-04 23:39 (jordis)
fixa't que la darrera activitat és del dia 4 i el teu correu del 6
On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:31 PM, Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat> <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat>__>> wrote:
he pujat unes poques cadenes addicionals del Gaia al Pootle.
-------- Missatge original --------
On 2/6/14 2:20 PM, Axel Hecht wrote:
I just pushed 10 new strings to 1.3, please get to those quickly.
For gaia-community, I migrated that to /gaia-l10n/en-US, aka master. That's 150 strings compared to the previous 1.3 status.
Master is for 1.4, and the schedule for 1.4 is going to be different than previous schedules.
I'll have a few townhalls once we're actually sharing the schedule in public.
I removed 1.1 and 1.2 from the dashboards, those are wrapped up.
The settings strings are developer debug strings, for the Async Pan Zoom Controller, APZC in short.
Feel free to leave those in English, I expect those to get removed once APZC works flawlessly, too.
-- Toni Hermoso Pulido http://www.cau.cat
-- Toni Hermoso Pulido http://www.cau.cat

Ah, això em respon a la pregunta que feia al meu missatge anterior :-) Pregunta: quan passarà de "central" a "aurora"? El 09/02/2014 14:03, Toni Hermoso Pulido ha escrit:
això és un bug que ja es va resoldre, a central, malauradament. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=938302 Amb 1.3 haurem d'anar arreglant-ho cada vegada que fem commit a Hg.
El 09/02/14 13:59, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
Ho estic mirant ara i sospito de frases com:
"Swipe down from top to access recent noti?cations, credit information and settings." (fixeu-vos que té un interrogant)
i ja existeix abans, traduïda i tot "Swipe down to access recent notifications, credit information and settings."
On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat>> wrote:
l'he tornat a posar al dia. Han sortit algunes cadenes addicionals, crec.
Jordi, hi has traduït?
El 09/02/14 13:19, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
ep toni, pot ser que alguna cosa no quadri? Gaia (Firefox OS) <http://pootle.softcatala.org/__ca/gaia/ <http://pootle.softcatala.org/ca/gaia/>>
* Completat
12845 2014-02-04 23:39 (jordis)
fixa't que la darrera activitat és del dia 4 i el teu correu del 6
On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:31 PM, Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat> <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat>__>> wrote:
he pujat unes poques cadenes addicionals del Gaia al Pootle.
-------- Missatge original --------
On 2/6/14 2:20 PM, Axel Hecht wrote:
I just pushed 10 new strings to 1.3, please get to those quickly.
For gaia-community, I migrated that to /gaia-l10n/en-US, aka master. That's 150 strings compared to the previous 1.3 status.
Master is for 1.4, and the schedule for 1.4 is going to be different than previous schedules.
I'll have a few townhalls once we're actually sharing the schedule in public.
I removed 1.1 and 1.2 from the dashboards, those are wrapped up.
The settings strings are developer debug strings, for the Async Pan Zoom Controller, APZC in short.
Feel free to leave those in English, I expect those to get removed once APZC works flawlessly, too.
-- Toni Hermoso Pulido http://www.cau.cat

Epa, Gaia no té les mateixes branques com Firefox (central -> aurora -> beta -> estable), sinó que s'assembla més a la majoria d'altres projectes que hi ha pel món ( central -> 1.2; central -> 1.3; central -> 1.4 , etc.) Tot i així, ara em preocupa que a central encara ho veig: http://hg.mozilla.org/gaia-l10n/en-US/file/1c25a98e1383/apps/communications/... :O Ja hi he fotut mà! https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=935976 El 09/02/14 14:05, Jordi Serratosa ha escrit:
Ah, això em respon a la pregunta que feia al meu missatge anterior :-) Pregunta: quan passarà de "central" a "aurora"?
El 09/02/2014 14:03, Toni Hermoso Pulido ha escrit:
això és un bug que ja es va resoldre, a central, malauradament. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=938302 Amb 1.3 haurem d'anar arreglant-ho cada vegada que fem commit a Hg.
El 09/02/14 13:59, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
Ho estic mirant ara i sospito de frases com:
"Swipe down from top to access recent noti?cations, credit information and settings." (fixeu-vos que té un interrogant)
i ja existeix abans, traduïda i tot "Swipe down to access recent notifications, credit information and settings."
On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat>> wrote:
l'he tornat a posar al dia. Han sortit algunes cadenes addicionals, crec.
Jordi, hi has traduït?
El 09/02/14 13:19, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
ep toni, pot ser que alguna cosa no quadri? Gaia (Firefox OS) <http://pootle.softcatala.org/__ca/gaia/ <http://pootle.softcatala.org/ca/gaia/>>
* Completat
12845 2014-02-04 23:39 (jordis)
fixa't que la darrera activitat és del dia 4 i el teu correu del 6
On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:31 PM, Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat> <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat>__>> wrote:
he pujat unes poques cadenes addicionals del Gaia al Pootle.
-------- Missatge original --------
On 2/6/14 2:20 PM, Axel Hecht wrote:
I just pushed 10 new strings to 1.3, please get to those quickly.
For gaia-community, I migrated that to /gaia-l10n/en-US, aka master. That's 150 strings compared to the previous 1.3 status.
Master is for 1.4, and the schedule for 1.4 is going to be different than previous schedules.
I'll have a few townhalls once we're actually sharing the schedule in public.
I removed 1.1 and 1.2 from the dashboards, those are wrapped up.
The settings strings are developer debug strings, for the Async Pan Zoom Controller, APZC in short.
Feel free to leave those in English, I expect those to get removed once APZC works flawlessly, too.
-- Toni Hermoso Pulido http://www.cau.cat
-- Toni Hermoso Pulido http://www.cau.cat

Hola, ja he pujat les darreres cadenes a Hg. http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/gaia-l10n/v1_3/ca/rev/180562f4e0ea Salut, El 09/02/14 15:54, Toni Hermoso Pulido ha escrit:
Gaia no té les mateixes branques com Firefox (central -> aurora -> beta -> estable), sinó que s'assembla més a la majoria d'altres projectes que hi ha pel món ( central -> 1.2; central -> 1.3; central -> 1.4 , etc.)
Tot i així, ara em preocupa que a central encara ho veig: http://hg.mozilla.org/gaia-l10n/en-US/file/1c25a98e1383/apps/communications/...
:O Ja hi he fotut mà! https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=935976
El 09/02/14 14:05, Jordi Serratosa ha escrit:
Ah, això em respon a la pregunta que feia al meu missatge anterior :-) Pregunta: quan passarà de "central" a "aurora"?
El 09/02/2014 14:03, Toni Hermoso Pulido ha escrit:
això és un bug que ja es va resoldre, a central, malauradament. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=938302 Amb 1.3 haurem d'anar arreglant-ho cada vegada que fem commit a Hg.
El 09/02/14 13:59, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
Ho estic mirant ara i sospito de frases com:
"Swipe down from top to access recent noti?cations, credit information and settings." (fixeu-vos que té un interrogant)
i ja existeix abans, traduïda i tot "Swipe down to access recent notifications, credit information and settings."
On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat>> wrote:
l'he tornat a posar al dia. Han sortit algunes cadenes addicionals, crec.
Jordi, hi has traduït?
El 09/02/14 13:19, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
ep toni, pot ser que alguna cosa no quadri? Gaia (Firefox OS) <http://pootle.softcatala.org/__ca/gaia/ <http://pootle.softcatala.org/ca/gaia/>>
* Completat
12845 2014-02-04 23:39 (jordis)
fixa't que la darrera activitat és del dia 4 i el teu correu del 6
On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:31 PM, Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat> <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat>__>> wrote:
he pujat unes poques cadenes addicionals del Gaia al Pootle.
-------- Missatge original --------
On 2/6/14 2:20 PM, Axel Hecht wrote:
I just pushed 10 new strings to 1.3, please get to those quickly.
For gaia-community, I migrated that to /gaia-l10n/en-US, aka master. That's 150 strings compared to the previous 1.3 status.
Master is for 1.4, and the schedule for 1.4 is going to be different than previous schedules.
I'll have a few townhalls once we're actually sharing the schedule in public.
I removed 1.1 and 1.2 from the dashboards, those are wrapped up.
The settings strings are developer debug strings, for the Async Pan Zoom Controller, APZC in short.
Feel free to leave those in English, I expect those to get removed once APZC works flawlessly, too.
-- Toni Hermoso Pulido http://www.cau.cat

Ep, Ara veig aquest missatge... Coses: - No m'havia posat a traduir cap de les noves cadenes que el Toni havia anunciat. - Ara hi entrava i n'he traduït una (no big deal si es perd) - Pensava que el problema de la cadena "noti?cations" estava ja resolt i, tal com diu l'Edu, encara hi és... com és això? En tot cas, m'espero a tirar-ho endavant fins que digueu alguna cosa El 09/02/2014 13:59, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
Ho estic mirant ara i sospito de frases com:
"Swipe down from top to access recent noti?cations, credit information and settings." (fixeu-vos que té un interrogant)
i ja existeix abans, traduïda i tot "Swipe down to access recent notifications, credit information and settings."
On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat>> wrote:
l'he tornat a posar al dia. Han sortit algunes cadenes addicionals, crec.
Jordi, hi has traduït?
El 09/02/14 13:19, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
ep toni, pot ser que alguna cosa no quadri? Gaia (Firefox OS) <http://pootle.softcatala.org/ca/gaia/>
* Completat
12845 2014-02-04 23:39 (jordis)
fixa't que la darrera activitat és del dia 4 i el teu correu del 6
On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:31 PM, Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat> <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat <mailto:toniher@softcatala.cat>>> wrote:
he pujat unes poques cadenes addicionals del Gaia al Pootle.
-------- Missatge original --------
On 2/6/14 2:20 PM, Axel Hecht wrote:
I just pushed 10 new strings to 1.3, please get to those quickly.
For gaia-community, I migrated that to /gaia-l10n/en-US, aka master. That's 150 strings compared to the previous 1.3 status.
Master is for 1.4, and the schedule for 1.4 is going to be different than previous schedules.
I'll have a few townhalls once we're actually sharing the schedule in public.
I removed 1.1 and 1.2 from the dashboards, those are wrapped up.
The settings strings are developer debug strings, for the Async Pan Zoom Controller, APZC in short.
Feel free to leave those in English, I expect those to get removed once APZC works flawlessly, too.
-- Toni Hermoso Pulido http://www.cau.cat
____________________________________________________ Estigueu al dia de Mozilla des de: http://www.mozilla.cat Si voleu col·laborar en la traducció: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Projectes/Mozilla Podeu demanar ajuda i consell des de: http://www.mibbit.com/#mozilla-cat@irc.mozilla.org ___________________________________________________ Mozilla@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/mozilla _______________________________________________ Codi de conducta: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Codi_de_conducta
participants (3)
Eduard Gamonal
Jordi Serratosa
Toni Hermoso Pulido