Hola, En Jeff em demana si les dades que hi ha sobre el nostre equip són correctes. https://wiki.mozilla.org/L10n:Teams:ca Jo no crec que sí, si voleu afegir-hi o rectificar res digueu-m'ho Quim ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jeff Beatty <jbeatty@mozilla.com> Date: 2012/2/16 Subject: Update CA locale wiki page To: noguer@gmail.com Hello Quim, I'm writing you to verify that your L10n team's information on your wiki page (https://wiki.mozilla.org/L10n:Teams:ca<https://wiki.mozilla.org/L10n:Teams:af>) is up-to-date and accurate. Please take a look at your page and update it as needed. If you are unsure about what information to include, please see this wiki template (https://wiki.mozilla.org/Template:L10n:Teams). Once your team's page is accurate and up-to-date, please visit this Google spreadsheet (http://bit.ly/x3UChk) and add the date it was last updated to the appropriate cell. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your help! Jeff -- *Jeff Beatty* Mozilla l10n jbeatty@mozilla.com 801.367.3763

jo ja no faig res a l'AMO però hi dec conservar els permissos. per mi ok, deixem-ho com està. 2012/2/17 Joaquim Perez <noguer@gmail.com>:
En Jeff em demana si les dades que hi ha sobre el nostre equip són correctes. https://wiki.mozilla.org/L10n:Teams:ca
Jo no crec que sí, si voleu afegir-hi o rectificar res digueu-m'ho
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jeff Beatty <jbeatty@mozilla.com> Date: 2012/2/16 Subject: Update CA locale wiki page To: noguer@gmail.com
Hello Quim,
I'm writing you to verify that your L10n team's information on your wiki page (https://wiki.mozilla.org/L10n:Teams:ca) is up-to-date and accurate. Please take a look at your page and update it as needed.
If you are unsure about what information to include, please see this wiki template (https://wiki.mozilla.org/Template:L10n:Teams).
Once your team's page is accurate and up-to-date, please visit this Google spreadsheet (http://bit.ly/x3UChk) and add the date it was last updated to the appropriate cell.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your help! Jeff
-- Jeff Beatty Mozilla l10n jbeatty@mozilla.com 801.367.3763
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participants (2)
Eduard Gamonal
Joaquim Perez