Aprovar un sign-off?

Ep, Fa uns quants dies vaig avançar força la traducció del Firefox d'escriptori (Aurora, versió 44) La versió 43 es troba ja en beta, i vaig demanar a can Mozilla a veure si es podien aprofitar les cadenes traduïdes de la 44 per a la 43 beta. El Dwayne (el pare del Pootle) fa fer-ho i en va fer un commit, que està pendent de sign-off. El dubte és: com es tira endavant el sign-off? Qui ha de fer el review? Edu, tu ho saps o ho pots fer tu mateix? salut jordi s -------- Missatge reenviat -------- Assumpte: Re: Possibility to update Catalan strings in time for Firefox 43 release? Data: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 15:07:57 +0000 De: Dwayne Bailey <dwayne@translate.org.za> A: Jordi Serratosa <jordis.lists@gmail.com> CC: dev-l10n <dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org>, Firefox Pootle Tech Team <tech-team@translate.org.za> Hi Jordi, All done https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/l10n/mozilla-beta/ca/rev/a02ab09acf49 I did quite a few reviews to make sure we didn't regress but rather that only updates arrived. I think I've got only good stuff in that commit and I've requested a signoff https://l10n.mozilla.org/shipping/signoffs/ca/fx43 On 23 November 2015 at 12:56, Dwayne Bailey <dwayne@translate.org.za <mailto:dwayne@translate.org.za>> wrote: Hi Jordi, Took a bit of a break from this one to get FxOS 2.5 up. Though I'm still a bit stuck on making sure we don't mess up. I'll likely throw some questions your way today or tomorrow to clear things up that I spot. On 23 November 2015 at 12:46, Jordi Serratosa <jordis.lists@gmail.com <mailto:jordis.lists@gmail.com>> wrote: Hi Dwayne, Did you manage to work this out? salut jordi s El 19/11/2015 a les 10:20, Dwayne Bailey ha escrit:
Hi Jordi,
Still on this and managed to get some things migrated last night but I was worried about what looked like some regressions. I'll be checking those out today to see if they are real or imagined.
On 17 November 2015 at 20:10, Jordi Serratosa <jordis.lists@gmail.com <mailto:jordis.lists@gmail.com>> wrote:
Thank you for checking it out!
Let me know if you need more info.
salut jordi s
El 17/11/2015 a les 19:20, Dwayne Bailey ha escrit:
We'll have a look at this tomorrow. Will be possible just a bit of work thinking and porting.
On 17 November 2015 at 17:08, Jeffrey Beatty <jbeatty@mozilla.com <mailto:jbeatty@mozilla.com>> wrote:
Hi Jordi,
Congrats on the progress! Dwayne and the Pootle team would need to port the strings that are port-able up to Beta. Could you look into this please Dwayne?
2015-11-17 9:22 GMT-07:00 Jordi Serratosa <jordis.lists@gmail.com <mailto:jordis.lists@gmail.com>>:
Hi all,
For Firefox 42 release, the status of Catalan translation was ~2500 words to be translated. This is exposing quite a lot of English strings to users.
We recently managed to get it down to ~800 words: http://mozilla.locamotion.org/ca/firefox/
We are now at Firefox 43.0b3, which is obviously still missing the ~2500 words for Catalan.
Question is: Is there any chance to update Catalan strings in time for the Firefox 43 release?
If so, how should this be handled?
salut, jordi s _______________________________________________ dev-l10n mailing list dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org <mailto:dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org> https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n
-- Dwayne
*Translate* +27 12 460 1095 <tel:%2B27%2012%20460%201095> (work)
-- Dwayne
*Translate* +27 12 460 1095 <tel:%2B27%2012%20460%201095> (work)
-- Dwayne *Translate* +27 12 460 1095 <tel:%2B27%2012%20460%201095> (work) -- Dwayne *Translate* +27 12 460 1095 (work)

Ep, gent, havia de compartir-vos aquesta SUPER NOTÍCIA: des de fa una setmana s'està venent a Amazon i eBay un SUPER telèfon amb Firefox OS de LG, de fet és el telèfon amb més bones prestacions de maquinari que ha sortit fins ara amb Firefox OS de fàbrica. Només us diré que va sortir al gener del 2015 al Japó dissenyat per un famós dissenyador d'allà especialment dedicat a Mozilla!!! veieu les fotos. La notícia d'ara és que malgrat va sortir per un preu de $420 USD i NOMÉS pel Japó (!!!) ara s'està venent ALLIBERAT per $50 USD a internet. Jo crec que és una màquina que cap amant del Firefox pot obviar, jejeje... i les prestacions són de "somni": * 1,5GB RAM * 16 GB emmagatzemament intern * càmara frontal de 2MPx (HD!) i trasera de 8Mpx amb flash led * processador Snapdragon 400 de 4 nuclis * wifi, 3G / 4G LTE / NFC, Bluetooth 3.0 En fi, un caramalet i amb la carcasa daurada i transparent! :) La única pega: que no l'he trobat a Europa, només a Amazon USA. Però si algú de vosaltres té la oportunitat de que li enviin (algun contacte allà?) és una oportunitat d'or... mai millor dit. Jo que resideixo a Sonora (estat mexicà fronterer amb Arizona) m'he comprat dos... que estic esperant amb ànsia!!! :) Us deixo l'enllaç: http://www.amazon.com/LG-Firefox-Gold-Factory-Unlocked/dp/B00UULNTHK/ref=sr_1_1?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1448485613&sr=1-1&keywords=lg+fx0 Salut!!! Sergi

Collons, quina putada no poder comprar-lo des d'aquí, Sergi. Gràcies igualment per la notícia... Salut. -- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

se m'havia passat aquest correu! en general els faig jo però caldria que tu també tinguessis permissos n'has aconseguit ja? On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 9:54 PM, Jordi Serratosa <jordis.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
Fa uns quants dies vaig avançar força la traducció del Firefox d'escriptori (Aurora, versió 44) La versió 43 es troba ja en beta, i vaig demanar a can Mozilla a veure si es podien aprofitar les cadenes traduïdes de la 44 per a la 43 beta. El Dwayne (el pare del Pootle) fa fer-ho i en va fer un commit, que està pendent de sign-off. El dubte és: com es tira endavant el sign-off? Qui ha de fer el review?
Edu, tu ho saps o ho pots fer tu mateix?
salut jordi s
-------- Missatge reenviat -------- Assumpte: Re: Possibility to update Catalan strings in time for Firefox 43 release? Data: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 15:07:57 +0000 De: Dwayne Bailey <dwayne@translate.org.za> <dwayne@translate.org.za> A: Jordi Serratosa <jordis.lists@gmail.com> <jordis.lists@gmail.com> CC: dev-l10n <dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org> <dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org>, Firefox Pootle Tech Team <tech-team@translate.org.za> <tech-team@translate.org.za>
Hi Jordi,
All done https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/l10n/mozilla-beta/ca/rev/a02ab09acf49
I did quite a few reviews to make sure we didn't regress but rather that only updates arrived. I think I've got only good stuff in that commit and I've requested a signoff <https://l10n.mozilla.org/shipping/signoffs/ca/fx43> https://l10n.mozilla.org/shipping/signoffs/ca/fx43
On 23 November 2015 at 12:56, Dwayne Bailey <dwayne@translate.org.za> wrote:
Hi Jordi,
Took a bit of a break from this one to get FxOS 2.5 up. Though I'm still a bit stuck on making sure we don't mess up. I'll likely throw some questions your way today or tomorrow to clear things up that I spot.
On 23 November 2015 at 12:46, Jordi Serratosa < <jordis.lists@gmail.com> jordis.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Dwayne,
Did you manage to work this out?
salut jordi s
El 19/11/2015 a les 10:20, Dwayne Bailey ha escrit:
Hi Jordi,
Still on this and managed to get some things migrated last night but I was worried about what looked like some regressions. I'll be checking those out today to see if they are real or imagined.
On 17 November 2015 at 20:10, Jordi Serratosa < <jordis.lists@gmail.com> jordis.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you for checking it out!
Let me know if you need more info.
salut jordi s
El 17/11/2015 a les 19:20, Dwayne Bailey ha escrit:
We'll have a look at this tomorrow. Will be possible just a bit of work thinking and porting.
On 17 November 2015 at 17:08, Jeffrey Beatty < <jbeatty@mozilla.com> jbeatty@mozilla.com> wrote:
Hi Jordi,
Congrats on the progress! Dwayne and the Pootle team would need to port the strings that are port-able up to Beta. Could you look into this please Dwayne?
2015-11-17 9:22 GMT-07:00 Jordi Serratosa < <jordis.lists@gmail.com> jordis.lists@gmail.com>:
Hi all,
For Firefox 42 release, the status of Catalan translation was ~2500 words to be translated. This is exposing quite a lot of English strings to users.
We recently managed to get it down to ~800 words: <http://mozilla.locamotion.org/ca/firefox/> http://mozilla.locamotion.org/ca/firefox/
We are now at Firefox 43.0b3, which is obviously still missing the ~2500 words for Catalan.
Question is: Is there any chance to update Catalan strings in time for the Firefox 43 release?
If so, how should this be handled?
salut, jordi s _______________________________________________ dev-l10n mailing list <dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org>dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org <https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n> https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n
-- Dwayne
*Translate* +27 12 460 1095 <%2B27%2012%20460%201095> (work)
-- Dwayne
*Translate* +27 12 460 1095 (work)
-- Dwayne
*Translate* +27 12 460 1095 <%2B27%2012%20460%201095> (work)
-- Dwayne
*Translate* +27 12 460 1095 (work)
____________________________________________________ Estigueu al dia de Mozilla des de: http://www.mozilla.cat Si voleu col·laborar en la traducció: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Projectes/Mozilla Podeu demanar ajuda i consell des de: http://www.mibbit.com/#mozilla-cat@irc.mozilla.org ___________________________________________________ Mozilla@llistes.softcatala.org https://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/mozilla _______________________________________________ Codi de conducta: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Codi_de_conducta
participants (4)
Eduard Gamonal
Jordi Serratosa
Sergi Rodrigues