Fwd: FirefoxOS v1.2 Testing: Keyboards and Dictionaries

Cal especial atenció pel diccionari i teclat en les proves del gaia. ---------- Missatge reenviat ---------- De: "delphine" <lebedel.delphine@gmail.com> Data: 29/10/2013 3:15 Assumpte: FirefoxOS v1.2 Testing: Keyboards and Dictionaries Per a: <dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org> Cc: Hi there, Could you all please take a look at your keyboards and dictionaries (auto-completion) and make sure everything is ok in v1.2? We've noticed some glitches in some places, which is why it would be great if you could all double check everything is ok ;) (we're also doing it on our side, but another pair of eyes is always welcome) Thanks! delphine _______________________________________________ dev-l10n mailing list dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n

2013/10/29 Eduard Gamonal <egamonal@softcatala.cat>
Cal especial atenció pel diccionari i teclat en les proves del gaia.
Ep! no tinc cap dispositiu i l'emulador no aconsegueixo fer-lo rutllar bé. Si algú pot provar-ho amb el terminal, millor. No hem tocat res des de fa setmanes, hauria de rutllar bé. Joan Montané

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 El 29/10/13 08:45, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
Cal especial atenció pel diccionari i teclat en les proves del gaia.
Anava a provar de mirar això al simulador...però no tinc pebrots de sortir d'aquesta pantalla[1]...ni arrossegant el cadenat, ni fent-hi clic, ni res de res a cap altre element...com cony es fa?? Salut. [1] http://i.imgur.com/YbAQEsp.png -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.15 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/ iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJSb/R0AAoJEJBOJru8PbFKW1UP/3SW5uEcXIkD58q6cvTz9oVJ nJrMWf5is8kwHKxF3W5Bm/r31IQyDcw6KEwz2HXjT/Zk6OZ3f2yh1Dd+TqrUaq39 +VaihJo7fyNJwE4blnBcqBkozKtXW31PRf9apTWwSIZZCYbsCFk1950ryz/22Rpd GgcV8TRnCuZU79Lfm4P9QiWQDlVbzgvz2UGFavTNNCnrn/knPB8xhoREym78aqZ9 ubcsYM9Gby0ymnEJREcFsRDq14Xu7KarVsbkybqNLbipXJKPRcgVAwkwdDTBRv0v lSjwZlVDQPk60Tf2nhjMA0gty3yB9IzC3X4sHesKBj/hk1zmv0KyZYfI5umg6t7Y ZqpL2017ICBksCepldRITBngaYgHWpME6MZbkJ6Qw2KyKnGiiQpDYP9dEOBefVMf JOe8PfmMo1lclJJsPHWxStDnX1wZQXXJpUMhBnPVNK0jrmzaBAapdqS6H5h/ySCj eP9mmLkNGTcgEJOmF9G6lumVwS31aDtbTZqo14VN2XnmyZbkZ6/TaXlkYUHeKZiU jBu6GEsv0Nl6cFUCx6M0b9qM/m0hSNsy6/LUHtmepfmwgMW3lB3BwjeuRGyCWseK HzxFY7Tw3jOM7KkKuXYoi/IoOyxjQYCg/rCwFurwJvEiFhfrq9wzDoJHzwXIeuZc 0kUZhvLtJ/60PkQt1YFU =2CTd -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
participants (3)
Eduard Gamonal
Joan Montané
Josep Sanchez