[OpenOffice] Situació del LibreOffice a l'Ubuntu

Bones, Per aquells qui l'utilitzeu, us reenvio un missatge de la llista de desenvolupament de l'Ubuntu, on en Matthias Klose (qui fou el mantenidor original del paquet de l'OpenOffice.org) n'explica la situació https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-January/032298.html "Hi, had to cancel my skiing vacation because of an injury, and had a look at the current OOo/LO situation for 11.04 instead. The OOo packaging is only available for version 3.2.1, there doesn't exist any packaging for 3.3 based on our ooo-build packaging. ooo-build is now used in LO, and the packaging is converted to use LO. The uno framework is one of the basic things which is shared with the OOo packaging, and I don't see any easy way how to make the two uno frameworks from both source packages available. The consequence is that the old OOo packages are removed/replaced with the installation of the LO packages. As long as we want to update to *O 3.3 there currently is no other way than to go with LO. The OOo packaging did accumulate a lot of changes, hacks and workarounds, which I didn't apply to the LO packaging, plus some Ubuntu specific changes are not yet ported to LO 3.3. As long as there is no libreoffice package in Ubuntu, these issues are tracked in [1]. If you report new issues, please tag these issues with `lo33'. Test packages including backports for lucid and maverick can be found at https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa/+packages Note that a reinstallation of the old OOo packages is not automatic and requires manual removal of all LO packages before trying the reinstallation. The packages definitely need some testing, but else they look ok-ish for inclusion in natty for alpha-2. See the list of issues, and maybe target some of these for alpha-2 or alpha-3. The most important thing seems to be the KDE build and maybe the ARM build (although it's not yet found anymore on the ARM images). Matthias [1] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=lo33 " Salut, David.

El 6 de gener de 2011 14:21, David Planella <david.planella@googlemail.com> ha escrit:
Per aquells qui l'utilitzeu, us reenvio un missatge de la llista de desenvolupament de l'Ubuntu, on en Matthias Klose (qui fou el mantenidor original del paquet de l'OpenOffice.org) n'explica la situació
had to cancel my skiing vacation because of an injury, and had a look at the current OOo/LO situation for 11.04 instead. The OOo packaging is only available for version 3.2.1, there doesn't exist any packaging for 3.3 based on our ooo-build packaging. ooo-build is now used in LO, and the packaging is converted to use LO. The uno framework is one of the basic things which is shared with the OOo packaging, and I don't see any easy way how to make the two uno frameworks from both source packages available. The consequence is that the old OOo packages are removed/replaced with the installation of the LO packages. As long as we want to update to *O 3.3 there currently is no other way than to go with LO.
The OOo packaging did accumulate a lot of changes, hacks and workarounds, which I didn't apply to the LO packaging, plus some Ubuntu specific changes are not yet ported to LO 3.3. As long as there is no libreoffice package in Ubuntu, these issues are tracked in [1]. If you report new issues, please tag these issues with `lo33'.
Test packages including backports for lucid and maverick can be found at
Note that a reinstallation of the old OOo packages is not automatic and requires manual removal of all LO packages before trying the reinstallation.
The packages definitely need some testing, but else they look ok-ish for inclusion in natty for alpha-2. See the list of issues, and maybe target some of these for alpha-2 or alpha-3. The most important thing seems to be the KDE build and maybe the ARM build (although it's not yet found anymore on the ARM images).
[1] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=lo33 "
Salut, David.
De nou, pels qui utilitzeu l'Ubuntu, simplement dir que acabem de fer el pas al LibreOffice per a la versió de desenvolupament (Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty"). He fet una ullada ràpida als menús de primer nivell i a l'ajuda i tot sembla ben traduït. L'única cosa que m'ha cridat l'atenció són algunes traduccions a l'estil de «La finestra d'ajuda de l'LibreOffice» o «Tecles de drecera per a l'LibreOffice Writer» (totes dues cadenes provenen de la primera pàgina de l'ajuda). No sé com funciona el «branding» del LO, però si no es pot corregir de manera automàtica, potser caldria mirar els llocs més visibles on apareix l'apòstrof. Salut, David.

Diria que ara per ara això no es pot arreglar. Que jo sàpiga, no hi ha possibilitat d'editar la traducció del libreoffice més enllà del po que fa referència a les cadenes de les coses afegides. Fins que no munten un pootle per a la traducció completa, diria que no podrem fer res des d'allà. A l'Ubuntu podem arreglar-ho? Has mirat si els paquets ca_XV hi són? Perquè al ppa que han muntat no hi són (he preguntat al mantenidor). SAlut, Pau El 20 de gener de 2011 12:42, David Planella <david.planella@googlemail.com> ha escrit:
El 6 de gener de 2011 14:21, David Planella <david.planella@googlemail.com> ha escrit:
Per aquells qui l'utilitzeu, us reenvio un missatge de la llista de desenvolupament de l'Ubuntu, on en Matthias Klose (qui fou el mantenidor original del paquet de l'OpenOffice.org) n'explica la situació
had to cancel my skiing vacation because of an injury, and had a look at the current OOo/LO situation for 11.04 instead. The OOo packaging is only available for version 3.2.1, there doesn't exist any packaging for 3.3 based on our ooo-build packaging. ooo-build is now used in LO, and the packaging is converted to use LO. The uno framework is one of the basic things which is shared with the OOo packaging, and I don't see any easy way how to make the two uno frameworks from both source packages available. The consequence is that the old OOo packages are removed/replaced with the installation of the LO packages. As long as we want to update to *O 3.3 there currently is no other way than to go with LO.
The OOo packaging did accumulate a lot of changes, hacks and workarounds, which I didn't apply to the LO packaging, plus some Ubuntu specific changes are not yet ported to LO 3.3. As long as there is no libreoffice package in Ubuntu, these issues are tracked in [1]. If you report new issues, please tag these issues with `lo33'.
Test packages including backports for lucid and maverick can be found at
Note that a reinstallation of the old OOo packages is not automatic and requires manual removal of all LO packages before trying the reinstallation.
The packages definitely need some testing, but else they look ok-ish for inclusion in natty for alpha-2. See the list of issues, and maybe target some of these for alpha-2 or alpha-3. The most important thing seems to be the KDE build and maybe the ARM build (although it's not yet found anymore on the ARM images).
[1] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=lo33 "
Salut, David.
De nou, pels qui utilitzeu l'Ubuntu, simplement dir que acabem de fer el pas al LibreOffice per a la versió de desenvolupament (Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty").
He fet una ullada ràpida als menús de primer nivell i a l'ajuda i tot sembla ben traduït. L'única cosa que m'ha cridat l'atenció són algunes traduccions a l'estil de «La finestra d'ajuda de l'LibreOffice» o «Tecles de drecera per a l'LibreOffice Writer» (totes dues cadenes provenen de la primera pàgina de l'ajuda).
No sé com funciona el «branding» del LO, però si no es pot corregir de manera automàtica, potser caldria mirar els llocs més visibles on apareix l'apòstrof.
Salut, David. _______________________________________________ OpenOffice mailing list OpenOffice@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/openoffice

El 20 de gener de 2011 12:45, Pau Iranzo <paulists@gmail.com> ha escrit:
Diria que ara per ara això no es pot arreglar.
Que jo sàpiga, no hi ha possibilitat d'editar la traducció del libreoffice més enllà del po que fa referència a les cadenes de les coses afegides.
Fins que no munten un pootle per a la traducció completa, diria que no podrem fer res des d'allà. A l'Ubuntu podem arreglar-ho?
No, ja fa uns quants cicles que vam desactivar les traduccions de l'OO.o al Launchpad, ja que el mantenidor no tenia temps d'integrar-les al paquet. S'està cercant un mantenidor nou, però en tot cas, fins que a upstream no hi hagi una infrastructura de traducció, no es pot fer res addicional a les distribucions.
Has mirat si els paquets ca_XV hi són? Perquè al ppa que han muntat no hi són (he preguntat al mantenidor).
A l'arxiu principal de l'Ubuntu només hi ha els paquets libreoffice-l10n-ca i libreoffice-help-ca. Salut, David.
El 20 de gener de 2011 12:42, David Planella <david.planella@googlemail.com> ha escrit:
El 6 de gener de 2011 14:21, David Planella <david.planella@googlemail.com> ha escrit:
Per aquells qui l'utilitzeu, us reenvio un missatge de la llista de desenvolupament de l'Ubuntu, on en Matthias Klose (qui fou el mantenidor original del paquet de l'OpenOffice.org) n'explica la situació
had to cancel my skiing vacation because of an injury, and had a look at the current OOo/LO situation for 11.04 instead. The OOo packaging is only available for version 3.2.1, there doesn't exist any packaging for 3.3 based on our ooo-build packaging. ooo-build is now used in LO, and the packaging is converted to use LO. The uno framework is one of the basic things which is shared with the OOo packaging, and I don't see any easy way how to make the two uno frameworks from both source packages available. The consequence is that the old OOo packages are removed/replaced with the installation of the LO packages. As long as we want to update to *O 3.3 there currently is no other way than to go with LO.
The OOo packaging did accumulate a lot of changes, hacks and workarounds, which I didn't apply to the LO packaging, plus some Ubuntu specific changes are not yet ported to LO 3.3. As long as there is no libreoffice package in Ubuntu, these issues are tracked in [1]. If you report new issues, please tag these issues with `lo33'.
Test packages including backports for lucid and maverick can be found at
Note that a reinstallation of the old OOo packages is not automatic and requires manual removal of all LO packages before trying the reinstallation.
The packages definitely need some testing, but else they look ok-ish for inclusion in natty for alpha-2. See the list of issues, and maybe target some of these for alpha-2 or alpha-3. The most important thing seems to be the KDE build and maybe the ARM build (although it's not yet found anymore on the ARM images).
[1] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=lo33 "
Salut, David.
De nou, pels qui utilitzeu l'Ubuntu, simplement dir que acabem de fer el pas al LibreOffice per a la versió de desenvolupament (Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty").
He fet una ullada ràpida als menús de primer nivell i a l'ajuda i tot sembla ben traduït. L'única cosa que m'ha cridat l'atenció són algunes traduccions a l'estil de «La finestra d'ajuda de l'LibreOffice» o «Tecles de drecera per a l'LibreOffice Writer» (totes dues cadenes provenen de la primera pàgina de l'ajuda).
No sé com funciona el «branding» del LO, però si no es pot corregir de manera automàtica, potser caldria mirar els llocs més visibles on apareix l'apòstrof.
Salut, David. _______________________________________________ OpenOffice mailing list OpenOffice@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/openoffice
_______________________________________________ OpenOffice mailing list OpenOffice@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/openoffice
participants (2)
David Planella
Pau Iranzo