[Mozilla] Fwd: FirefoxOS 2.5 schedule update
Eduard Gamonal
egamonal a softcatala.cat
dic oct 14 11:28:22 CEST 2015
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From: "delphine" <lebedel.delphine a gmail.com>
Date: Oct 9, 2015 12:15 AM
Subject: FirefoxOS 2.5 schedule update
To: <dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org>
Hi everyone,
Time for a recap on FxOS 2.5 schedule - and what that means in terms of
l10n. For the general FxOS schedule, please consult the 2.5 planning wiki
Here are the next important dates for you:
* STRING FREEZE: Nov. 2nd.
** 2 weeks before that (so around Oct 19th) is a good time to start
catching up with your strings.
** You may want to consider to start catching up now if you have a lot of
missing strings
* Nov 16th: testing starts. As usual, we will only be able to test a
certain number of locales (TBD). Please consider doing your own testing, ie
checking the strings you translate on the actual device, correcting any
issues you may see, and filing bugs for issues that need a dev fix (CC me
on the bug if you're unsure). Also, please consider using your phone as a
primary device so you can spot any issues and correct them.
** As usual, we cannot test and sign-off on locales that have more than 300
missing strings at the time testing starts
* Testing cycle will last 1 month: see [2] for details on that.
[1] https://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox_OS/Releases/2.5
dev-l10n mailing list
dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org
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