[Mozilla] Fwd: [ACTION NEEDED] Please remember to localize FxOS 2.2
Eduard Gamonal
egamonal a softcatala.cat
dis mar 7 17:07:20 CET 2015
Bon dia!
Bona feina amb la posada al dia de les parts web!
La Delphine ens recorda que Gaia 2.2 es congela el dia 4 d'abril. Podem
anar traduint ja perquè una setmana després començarà el testing.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: delphine <lebedel.delphine a gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 2:07 AM
Subject: [ACTION NEEDED] Please remember to localize FxOS 2.2
To: dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org
Hi all,
Just a gentle reminder that 2.2 string freeze is on April 4th (
Since testing historically starts a week or two after that, please remember
to catch up with pending work on 2.2 :)
Check your status here:
dev-l10n mailing list
dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org
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