[Mozilla] Fwd: Update on Fennec high-res icons and Amazon SSL

Sergi Rodrigues sergio.cero a gmail.com
dim jul 28 20:47:36 CEST 2015

He fet el que he pogut... Eduard, mira l'adjunt. Em penso que lo que es 

  * He inclòs la imatge en format SVG (editable amb Inkscape i/o Corel),
    un PNG de 96x96px
  * com que el dibuix de la icona original és difícilment "redondejable"
    l'he ficat a dintre d'un marc amb esquines rodones, d'un color
    "blanc trencat" perqué ressalti el marc amb el fons en cas de que
    aquest sigui blanc. Però si penseu que els colors han de ser altres
    m'ho dieu i ho canvio. Per exemple, tinc dubtes si el color de
    DINTRE del requadre vermell ha de ser forçosament blanc o simplement
    ha de ser "transparent", ¿sí m'explico?

En fi, aquí teniu el meu primer gra :P



On 28/07/15 10:51, Jordi Serratosa wrote:
> Ep Edu, resta
> Jo vaig ben perdut sobre aquests temes.
> Tu saps per on tirar?
> salut
> jordi s
> El 28/07/2015 a les 17:58, Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
>> bona tarda,
>> això també cal tenir-ho en compte. som a la llista de locales afectades
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *Francesco Lodolo [:flod]* <flod a lodolo.net>
>> Date: Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 5:02 PM
>> Subject: Update on Fennec high-res icons and Amazon SSL
>> To: Mozilla l10n Mailing List <dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org>
>> Hi,
>> A quick follow-up regarding these two productization updates.
>> *Fennec High-Res Icons*
>> I have updated locales not working directly on Mercurial – plus some 
>> inactive or requested by localizers – with all available assets.
>> https://l10n.mozilla-community.org/~flod/p12n/bug1179109_highres_fennec/ 
>> <https://l10n.mozilla-community.org/%7Eflod/p12n/bug1179109_highres_fennec/>
>> eBay: we don't have assets, and we likely won't have them before 
>> September. Please ignore it until further updates.
>> List of locales with at least one icon smaller than 96px (ignoring 
>> eBay): be, bn-IN, ca, cs, da, de, el, eo, es-AR, es-ES, es-MX, et, 
>> eu, fi, fy-NL, ga-IE, hu, hy-AM, is, ja, ja-JP-mac, kn, ko, lv, mr, 
>> nb-NO, nl, nn-NO, or, pa-IN, ru, sk, sv-SE, ta, te, uk, zh-CN, zh-TW.
>> Russian and Traditional Chinese already have a bug open (thanks!).
>> We're trying to get an icon for Mercado Libre, since it's used by 
>> several locales.
>> Changes to some searchplugins are whitelisted (Amazon, Wikipedia, 
>> Yahoo), please do not land any other updates without a bug and a 
>> review. Starting next cycle, I'll start to update searchplugins also 
>> on locales working on Mercurial for mozilla-aurora and l10n-central.
>> If you land whitelisted changes, remember to reference this bug in 
>> your commit message, and add a link to your commit there
>> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1179109
>> *Amazon SSL*
>> Changes landed for English in mozilla-central
>> http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/b6ebb4cba9e1
>> This change affects both Firefox on Desktop and Android. Make sure 
>> you update all Amazon URLs in the XML files.
>> Remember to reference this tracking bug in your commit message, and 
>> add a link to your commit there
>> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1179332
>> Starting from next cycle I'll start updating Pootle's locales in 
>> mozilla-aurora. Like I did for images, I will wait one more cycle 
>> before updating other locales.
>> Please ask or ping me if you have any doubts.
>> Francesco
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