[Mozilla] Fwd: gaia 1.3 -> gaia-l10n migration done for ar, bg, ca, de, el, es, hr, ru, tr, zh-CN

Toni Hermoso Pulido toniher a softcatala.cat
div feb 28 17:44:35 CET 2014


al Pootle tenim la branca 1.3. Encara no s'ha creat la branca 1.4, sinó que
aquesta és la trunk encara. http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/
He vist que na Delphine feia alguns comentaris de la 1.3 en algun altre fil.
Si no us sembla malament, mirem d'esperar una setmana o dues abans
d'actualitzar Gaia al Pootle.


2014-02-28 12:50 GMT+01:00 Eduard Gamonal <egamonal a softcatala.cat>:

> imagino que les hem de pujar al nostre pootle, però no sé amb seguretat
> quin repo fem servir a gaia. ho porta en toni habitualment
> On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 12:47 PM, Jordi Serratosa <jordis.lists a gmail.com>wrote:
>>  Ep Toni/Edu
>> Això ens afecta?
>> salut
>> jordi s
>> -------- Missatge original --------  Assumpte: gaia 1.3 -> gaia-l10n
>> migration done for ar, bg, ca, de, el, es, hr, ru, tr, zh-CN  Data: Thu,
>> 27 Feb 2014 17:11:04 +0100  De: Axel Hecht <l10n a mozilla.com><l10n a mozilla.com>  A:
>> dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org  Grups de discussió: mozilla.dev.l10n
>> Hi,
>> I've just pushed the content from the 1.3 repos to gaia-l10n for the
>> following languages:
>>  ar, bg, ca, de, el, es, hr, ru, tr, zh-CN
>> I've done this for all locales that didn't have content on  gaia-l10n
>> that's not on 1.3, i.e., for any locale where that didn't involve an
>> actual merge.
>> This is only done in hg, if you're on pootle or transifex, that won't
>> show up in your UI unless you ask for it. I've got a thread open with
>> Dwayne on that, he's actively working on how to make that on their side.
>> If you happen to have a clone with updated work, please pull, and merge.
>> If you have problems with that, find us on irc, we can help.
>> For everyone's sanity, I don't usually do this, and I don't know if I'll
>> do another round yet. Unless you ask me (or flod) to.
>> Which also means, if you've done stuff on gaia-l10n, and you'd like to
>> see a merge, we can help.
>> Axel
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Toni Hermoso Pulido
http://www.cau.ca <http://www.cau.cat>
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