[Mozilla] Fwd: Bugzilla report for l10n bugs in v1.3

Jordi Serratosa jordis.lists a gmail.com
diu feb 9 14:20:57 CET 2014

Ja aniran sortint més bugs, ja :-)
Durant la tarda espero anar-los resolent i acabar les noves cadenes del 
Gaia (tot i que diuen a la llista de l10n que són més que res opcions 
per a desenvolupadors i que es podrien deixar perfectament en anglès...)

jordi s

El 07/02/2014 13:54, Toni Hermoso Pulido ha escrit:
> Sembla que anem força bé amb el Gaia.
> Kudos per a en Jordi Serratosa! :)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: delphine <lebedel.delphine a gmail.com>
> Date: 2014-02-07
> Subject: Bugzilla report for l10n bugs in v1.3
> To: dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org
> As for previous versions, here's the l10n bugzilla table report
> listing bugs founds per locale and their status: mzl.la/LBCMNb
> Bugs are either under your locale, or under FirefoxOS component.
> If you are the person who is going to correct the bug: once you have
> corrected the bug, please mark it as "Resolved Fixed"
> If you then go in and make sure it is in fact fixed on the device, you
> can go ahead and mark the bug as "Verified Fixed" in order to close
> the bug
> 1st half of localization testing will be completed by the end of today
> (PST time).
> Second half will start Feb. 20 - Feb. 26

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