[Mozilla] Fwd: Bugzilla guidelines for l10n
Eduard Gamonal
egamonal a softcatala.cat
diu feb 9 13:40:19 CET 2014
intento mantenir al dia el component "ca" de "mozilla localisations". Avui
he tancat un bug que tenia a veure amb el Firefox 3 :)
On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Josep Sànchez <papapep a gmx.com> wrote:
> Bones,
> Segurament molts ja ho sabreu, però pels pardals com jo, va bé saber-ho :)
> Salut.
> ------------------------------
> *De:* "Francesco Lodolo [:flod]" <flod a lodolo.net>
> *Enviat:* Mon Nov 25 14:33:02 CET 2013
> *A:* Mozilla l10n Mailing List <dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org>
> *Assumpte:* Bugzilla guidelines for l10n
> Hi,
> it's me again. I was originally going to write this in the message about
> Metro, but then I realized it was becoming way too long.
> During last week I had a glimpse of how messy the Mozilla Localizations
> product is in terms of pending bugs: 3 years old open bugs with no
> activity, fixed bugs still marked as NEW, etc.
> Imagine a component in Bugzilla as a garden: right now Mozilla
> Localizations resembles an abandoned garden. With wandering zombies in it
> :-)
> How can we improve this situation? I'm not sure if some of these features
> are available to all users, if not please let me know.
> *Follow your locale*
> If you're not doing it already, start following your own locale on Bugzilla
> and try to keep it as clean as possible. Every time someone opens a bug in
> this component, you'll receive a bugmail.
> 1. Login to BugZilla with your account and go to Preferences->Component
> watching (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=component_watch
> ).
> 2. Select Product "Mozilla Localizations".
> 3. Click on your locale in the "Component" section.
> 4. Click Add.
> *Resolve bugs*
> If a bug is resolved, it should be marked as RESOLVED FIXED, then verified
> on the next build and marked as VERIFIED FIXED. Don't leave open bugs
> around (remember zombies?).
> *Check pending bugs*
> You can also perform a search for open bugs in your locales and save it:
> 1. Do an Advanced search on Mozilla Localizations -> Your locale for
> bugs with Resolution "---".
> 2. When results are displayed you'll see a "Remember search" button at
> the bottom of the page, give it a name (e.g. "Italian bugs").
> 3. From now on you'll see a link in the footer of all Bugzilla pages to
> perform the same search.
> *Clear review and needinfo requests*
> If someone falgs you for a review, or set a NEEDINFO for you, you should
> try to clear these requests.
> 1. Reviews: click on the review link in the attachment section, chose
> "+" if the patch is good, "-" if is not, " " (blank) to reset the request
> if you shouldn't be reviewing the patch.
> 2. Needinfos: when you reply, below the comment you'll see a checkbox,
> already checked, saying "I am providing the requested information for
> YOURACCOUNT (clears the needinfo request).". If you're providing the
> information requested, leave it checked and comment.
> When you login to Bugzilla, you should see a red circle with a white number
> near the title Bugzilla a Mozilla. Behind these requests there are people, so
> be kind to them and reply ;-)
> Francesco
> ------------------------------
> dev-l10n mailing list
> dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org
> https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n
> --
> S'ha enviat des del meu telèfon Android amb K-9 Mail. Si us plau, excusa
> la meva brevetat.
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