[Mozilla] Fwd: [l10n-web] Australis launch, mozilla.org work

Eduard Gamonal egamonal a softcatala.cat
diu abr 13 16:51:50 CEST 2014

Tenim feina per la web
Hi ha hagut alguns problemes i us recomano traduir només les cadenes
òbvies.  Algunes estan repetides de coses anteriors i des del dia 9
intenten reutilitzar-les automàticament.
En tot cas us mantindré al dia

Recordeu també que la propera versió dels programes surt el dia 29. Hem
d'acabar la localització per bans del 28.
 ---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Pascal Chevrel" <pascal.chevrel a free.fr>
Date: 7 Apr 2014 14:35
Subject: [l10n-web] Australis launch, mozilla.org work
To: <dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org>

Hi guys,

Australis, the new UI for Firefox, will be released into Firefox 29 which
is planned to be on April 29.

As you know, this is the biggest UI change since Firefox 4 and we intend to
promote it significantly.

That means that there will be several new pages on www.mozilla.org about it
and that we will launch a promotionnal site, called Glow 2014 to help with
the launch.

A lot of this is still a work in progress and basically, we are working in
parallel with the various webdev teams implementing the sites. The strings
we have though, are final.

There is stuff not ready yet as I expect to see a promo on mozilla.org home
page for example, and an update of our firefox/new download page. Those
updates will land in your svn repos as soon as they are done, but in the
meantime I think that we already have +90% of the strings ready.

Here is an inventory of what needs localization today:

1/ A set of 4 pages describing Australis:


There is a total of 97 strings for these pages.

2/ The new firefox sync page:

This is 14 strings and this page will be promoted on all of our Australis
page in the context of the Firefox Account service. We need this one for
the release but we can already push the translation today (we did it for
English last week). That will also allow us to redirect old sync content to
this new page.

3/ A set of firstrun/whatsnew in-product pages for the first launch:

The firstrun page is displayed to a new user installing Firefox, the
Whatsnew page is displayed to an existing user upgrading Firefox.

The two pages share the strings (firefox/australis/firefox_tour.lang),
there is a total of 66 strings.

Several things to know about this page:

* This is a special page in that it is whitelisted in Firefox itself to be
allowed to have access to the chrome (the UI of Firefox) which means that
it proposes to take a tour of the new Australis UI and activates menus to
show you what is new or where things used to be and now are.

* This page gives tips during the tour and when you finish the tour,
incitates you to use Firefox Sync

* The demo server is not whitelisted, only the final
https://www.mozilla.orgserver is, which means that you need to test
your translation in a Firefox
with Australis (beta, aurora, nightly), you need to add a custom preference
to `about:config` in Firefox in order to enable UITour on demo3.

type: string
name: browser.uitour.whitelist.add.testing
value: www-demo3.allizom.org

Before translating, I really encourage you to visit the firstrun/whatsnew
pages to familiarize yourself with the UI :)

4/ The glow website

In the past, we had created a campaign to count all the Firefox downloads
with a global map showing lights where people were downloading Firefox.

This year, we are going to do something similar for Australis except that
we will not count dialogs but opinions on what matters most for you as a
firefox user with a set of options (Privacy, learning, Opportunity...).
Then through the campaign, we will be able to show what values are more
important per region or country.

The website is heavily in the works, so as to allow localization of it
while we are actually creating it, we froze all the strings and put them in
a separate template for extraction and we put that on Verbatim:


(and of course for those that prefer using offline tools such as OmegaT,
PoEdit or others, the .po is editable at:

5/ The about:home snippets

We have 27 snippets promoting the launch, Flod already talked to you about
them in this list so I won't tell more, but I guess that some of the
snippets referring the launch may now make more sense now that you know
what all this is about :)

For everything design/font related and impacting l10n, we will probably
start working on that next week, to give the webdevs the time to finalize
all the content. So if you notice something funky with your language,
please wait like the end of the week to report it so as to make sure that
you are not just seeing a side effect of the works in progress :)

If you have any question, don't hesitate to ping me (pascalc), or francesco
(flod) or Théo (tchevalier) on IRC. Flod and myself are in the European
timezone, Théo is in the California timezone.


dev-l10n-web mailing list
dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org
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