[Mozilla] Fwd: FirefoxOS v1.2 Testing: Keyboards and Dictionaries

Eduard Gamonal egamonal a softcatala.cat
dim oct 29 08:45:41 CET 2013

Cal especial atenció pel diccionari i teclat en les proves del gaia.
---------- Missatge reenviat ----------
De: "delphine" <lebedel.delphine a gmail.com>
Data: 29/10/2013 3:15
Assumpte: FirefoxOS v1.2 Testing: Keyboards and Dictionaries
Per a: <dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org>

Hi there,

Could you all please take a look at your keyboards and dictionaries
(auto-completion) and make sure everything is ok in v1.2?

We've noticed some glitches in some places, which is why it would be great
if you could all double check everything is ok ;) (we're also doing it on
our side, but another pair of eyes is always welcome)

dev-l10n mailing list
dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org
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