[Mozilla] Fwd: [l10n-web] Lightbeam pages on mozilla.org, opt-in required
Eduard Gamonal
egamonal a softcatala.cat
dic nov 6 13:05:36 CET 2013
bon dia,
el lightbeam ja es pot traduir. són dues parts: la web i el complement.
la web és traduïble amb el verbatim. el complement no és traduïble encara
però sembla que ho serà aviat.
seria bo que algú es comprometés a portar al dia la traducció (p.e.x anar
al darrere a la gent), encara que la fessim entre tots. amb el browserID
ens ha passat que per falta de gent s'ha quedat mig penjat.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pascal Chevrel <pascal.chevrel a free.fr>
Date: Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 12:51 PM
Subject: [l10n-web] Lightbeam pages on mozilla.org, opt-in required
To: dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org
Hi guys,
We have the Lightbeam pages ready for translation on mozilla.org (thanks
Nukeador for working on it!), we also have an update on
mozilla.orgfrontpage to promote it as well as Webmaker.
If you want to translate Lightbeam, please opt-in by answering to this
message, this is a 62 strings translations + 8 for the promo on the home
Please note that the extension itself is not localized yet (I heard that
the authors of the extension are working on it though), this opt-in request
is for the product pages below:
dev-l10n-web mailing list
dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org
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