[Mozilla] [amo-editors] Mozilla Add-ons: Valencian Catalan Language Pack for Firefox 21.0 Preliminary Reviewed
Pau Sellés i Garcia
pau.selles a josoc.cat
dll maig 27 23:26:02 CEST 2013
Al 27/05/13 23:23, En/na Toni Hermoso Pulido ha escrit:
> Hola Pau,
> no hi havia problemes, però ara (vés a saber tu perquè) consideraven
> que no calia afegir els searchplugins i el profile (que tampoc tenen
> cap efecte, i a més els paquets oficials, que es construeixen com els
> valencians, sí els tenen).
He observat que la versió blavera no té tampoc disponible la versió 21.
> Però, al cap i a la fi, com que el processament de tot plegat ja ho
> tinc automatitzat, he tirat pel dret i enlloc de discutir he dit 'sí
> bwana'.
> Pau, vés seguint i provant amb prou antelació els paquets de
> http://www.mozilla.cat/pootle/mozilla/ca-valencia/xpi/
Si si, veig que ho estan posam més difícil. Si veig cap anomalia, ho
> Salut,
> El 27/05/13 23:06, Pau Sellés i Garcia ha escrit:
>> Toni, vols dir que a banda del fitxer buit hi havia més problemes?
>> Al 27/05/13 22:56, En/na Toni Hermoso Pulido ha escrit:
>>> Jorge, AMO Editors,
>>> I've updated langpacks removing unnecessary files.
>>> Let me know if any problem.
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> El 27/05/13 19:35, Jorge Villalobos ha escrit:
>>>> We need language packs to only include the files that are necessary
>>>> for
>>>> them to function. The preference changes and search plugins need to be
>>>> removed.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Jorge
>>>> On 5/26/13 6:06 AM, Toni Hermoso Pulido wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> except for empty .mkdir.done (which seems to be some problem from
>>>>> Mozilla building process), all the contents that are referred as not
>>>>> acceptable can be found in any other language pack.
>>>>> Example here:
>>>>> https://addons.mozilla.org/ca/firefox/addon/ca-language-pack/
>>>>> This langpack is actually built automatically from the same
>>>>> sources as
>>>>> Catalan langpack linked above.
>>>>> I would appreciate a clear answer regarding this because I don't have
>>>>> unlimited time to spare.
>>>>> So far, what I might try, as far as this is not solved from Mozilla
>>>>> build side (I might fill a bug), is to remove this empty .mkdir.done
>>>>> (which are actually harmless anyway).
>>>>> Looking forward to your replies,
>>>>> El 22/05/13 22:56, amo-editors a mozilla.org ha escrit:
>>>>>> Your add-on, Valencian Catalan Language Pack for Firefox 21.0, has
>>>>>> been preliminarily reviewed by an editor and is now available for
>>>>>> download in our gallery at
>>>>>> https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/valencian-catalan-languag-9702/
>>>>>> Reviewer:
>>>>>> Kris Maglione
>>>>>> Comments:
>>>>>> This add-on includes all sorts of things which are not acceptable in
>>>>>> language packs, including preference changes, search plugins, and a
>>>>>> defaults/profile directory and crashreporter-override.ini file
>>>>>> that I
>>>>>> don't understand the purpose of, not to mention a number of hidden
>>>>>> dot-files. Please remove this content and submit again.
>>>>>> Tested on Linux with Firefox
>>>>>> To learn more about the review process, please visit
>>>>>> https://addons.mozilla.org/developers/docs/policies/reviews#selection
>>>>>> If you have any questions or comments on this review, please
>>>>>> reply to
>>>>>> this email or join #amo-editors on irc.mozilla.org
Una salutació,
Pau Sellés i Garcia
pau.selles a josoc.cat
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