[Mozilla] Fwd: [l10n-web] Important: please check how the Mozilla Manifesto looks in your locale
Xavi Ivars
xavi.ivars a gmail.com
div maig 24 11:12:40 CEST 2013
2013/5/24 Eduard Gamonal <egamonal a softcatala.cat>
> veieu alguna errada en https://www.allizom.org/ca/about/manifesto/ ?
> és un text important per Mozilla i hauria de fer patxoca. jo no n'he vist
> cap excepte que el títol està en anglès, però és un error conegut i algú de
> mozilla ho solucionarà aviat
Jo canviaria les eles geminades de "ŀl" a "l·l" (és a dir, no utilitzaria
el caràcter ŀ, que estem intentant deixar d'utilitzar a tot arreu)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Francesco Lodolo [:flod] <flod a lodolo.net>
> Date: Thu, May 23, 2013 at 7:51 AM
> Subject: [l10n-web] Important: please check how the Mozilla Manifesto
> looks in your locale
> To: Mozilla projects web content localization <
> dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org>
> Hi,
> Steven Garrity has been doing a great job porting the existing localized
> versions of Mozilla Manifesto to Bedrock [1], moving from static html to a
> .lang file.
> The process has finished, but we'd like all teams to check if the
> Manifesto looks right in their locale or if you find any issue.
> You can find your version of the Mozilla Manifesto on the stage server
> (replace LOCALE with your locale code)
> https://www.allizom.org/**LOCALE/about/manifesto/<https://www.allizom.org/LOCALE/about/manifesto/>
> So, for Arabic it would be https://www.allizom.org/ar/**about/manifesto/<https://www.allizom.org/ar/about/manifesto/>and so on.
> This a list of the locales ported to BedRock: ar, ast, bs, ca, cs, de, el,
> es (es-AR, es-CL, es-ES, es-MX), eu, fi, fr, fur, fy-NL, gl, hr, hu, id,
> it, ja, ko, mk, ms, nl, pl, pt-BR, ro, ru, sk, sl, sq, sr, sv-SE, tr, vi,
> zh-CN, zh-TW.
> Please reply to dev-l10n-web if you find issues, note that the right menu
> and the newsletter box at the bottom are displayed in English for all
> locales at this moment.
> If your locale looks good and you want to let us know that you checked,
> you can reply directly to me, so we don't create too much traffic on the
> mailing list ;-)
> Francesco
> [1] https://wiki.mozilla.org/**Mozilla.com/Bedrock<https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mozilla.com/Bedrock>
> ______________________________**_________________
> dev-l10n-web mailing list
> dev-l10n-web a lists.mozilla.org
> https://lists.mozilla.org/**listinfo/dev-l10n-web<https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n-web>
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< Xavi Ivars >
< http://xavi.ivars.me >
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