[Mozilla] Fwd: The announcement of the 2013 Mozilla Summit
Toni Hermoso Pulido
toniher a softcatala.cat
dij abr 4 11:46:54 CEST 2013
tots aquells que heu contribuït en el projecte, apunteu-vos-hi. Com
s'indica al missatge que enllaço, afegiu ciutat, territori i estat també
(sí, ja sé que això no agrada massa). També alguna breu descripció d'allò
que esteu fent a la comunitat.
Podeu optar pel Summit. Si després no podeu ser-hi, no passa res. Penseu
que primer es farà una selecció dels convidats (en desconec els criteris) i
després la confirmació d'assistència (per a reservar viatges i tot això).
2013/4/4 Benny Beat <bennybeat a gmail.com>
> Algú té pensaments d'apuntar-s'hi?
> Jo m'ho estic rumiant; seria una oportunitat de tenir un contacte més
> directe amb la gent de Mozilla o trobar-s'hi novament amb gent que fa molt
> que no veiem com en Tristan Nitot i Cia (això no s'aplica pels que han anat
> al MWC, hahahahh) i París ho conec bé igual que l'idioma encara que el
> tinc una mica oxidat (fa anys punxava en una discoteca de París i en altre
> de Toulouse a més que a Andorra és normal parlar francès). Queden 6 dies
> encara. Algun "Persona" o personatge anirà? Llàstima que (Toni, tu no
> comptes) aquí no puguis fer un «Benny +1» com a al sopar de nadal o la
> calçotada, xD!
> Benny.
> Al 03/04/2013 17:02, En/na Toni Hermoso Pulido ha escrit:
> Hola,
> reenvio aquest missatge.
> Aprofito per recordar que existeix el lloc web https://mozillians.org/per a tots aquells contribuïdors que vulguin apuntar-s'hi.
> Salut,
> P.D.: Si heu col·laborat d'una forma o una altra en el projecte Mozilla,
> la resta de companys que ja som al servei us podem donar l'aprovació.
> P.D.2: El lloc web ara mateix està mig traduït, les cadenes són a:
> https://localize.mozilla.org/ca/mozillians/
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Michael Hoye <mhoye a mozilla.com>
> Date: 2013/4/3
> Subject: The announcement of the 2013 Mozilla Summit
> To: dev-planning a lists.mozilla.org
> Hi, everyone. Mike Hoye here, and I need your help.
> On Monday the announcement for the 2013 Mozilla Summit was sent out to
> those members of the community who have a "vouched" account on the
> Mozillians site.
> I'm certain that a lot of important contributors to the Mozilla project
> aren't in that group; I'm asking for your help to make sure that the entire
> Mozilla community gets this information, and nobody is overlooked.
> I don't know who to send it on to; I'm hoping you do.
> The process for registering for the summit is below. If you or anyone you
> pass this information on to has problems registering or if the process
> presents any other barriers to community members' participation, please let
> me know directly, and soon.
> Thank you,
> - mhoye
> -----------------------------
> Hello Mozillians,
> As you may or may not have heard, we have just announced the dates for the
> 2013 Mozilla Summit - October 4th - 6th in three cities :
> 1.
> Paris, France
> 2.
> San Francisco / Bay Area, California
> 3.
> Toronto, Ontario, Canada
> To be considered for an invitation, we need to know if you are interested
> and available to attend by April 10th, 2013 .
> Before you decide, take a look at Mitchell’s blog post about the Summit
> here https://blog.lizardwrangler.com/2013/03/31/mozilla-summit/ and my
> post about it here
> https://blog.mozilla.org/community/2013/03/28/mozilla-summit-2013-the-word-is-out/. Our wiki page here
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/Summit2013 .
> If you receive and accept an invitation, which will be sent by the first
> week in May, Mozilla will arrange and pay for your travel and
> accommodations (details to come). April 10th, 2013 is a firm deadline so
> please do your very best to let us know by then. If we don’t hear from you,
> we will assume you are not available to attend.
> Here’s how. You must do both of these things by April 10th to be
> considered for an invitation to the Mozilla Summit 2013:
> 1.
> Add your home country (where you’ll travel from) to your profile if you
> haven't already: https://mozillians.org/user/edit/
> 2.
> View the Summit 2013 group and click the 'Join Group' button if you are
> interested and available to attend the Summit:
> https://mozillians.org/group/summit2013/
> We will let you know if you’ll be invited, via email, by the first week in
> May. We have a small working group figuring out who will go to which
> location and will share those details as well by that date.
> Official registration details will come by June 30th, 2013 .
> Thank you all,
> Mardi Douglass
> Internal Communications @ Mozilla
> IRC #summit2013
> _______________________________________________
> dev-planning mailing list
> dev-planning a lists.mozilla.org
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> --
> Toni Hermoso Pulido
> http://www.cau.cat
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Toni Hermoso Pulido
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