[Mozilla] thunderbird 10 - dubtes per la pàgina de novetats

Joaquim Perez noguer a gmail.com
diu gen 29 09:36:48 CET 2012


He mirat els correus i en fan referència tan a la llista de thunderbird com
del seamonkey i tot semblaria que s'ha de deixar OpenSearch com a nom
propi, tot i que als menús es mostri alguna cosa més normal com "Cerca en

[ANNOUNCE] Search Plugins landed for Thunderbird and the associated policy
(Mark Banner 9/11/2011)

As you will have most likely have seen, we've just landed the capability to
> search the web (this had been codenamed OpenSearch) directly within
> Thunderbird. This is now on the Aurora channel.

SeaMonkey 2.1 (Rober Kaiser 11/6/2011)

- An optional search bar gives access to OpenSearch search engines and
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