[Mozilla] thunderbird 10 - dubtes per la pàgina de novetats

Toni Hermoso Pulido toniher a softcatala.cat
diu gen 29 01:21:51 CET 2012

Al 29/01/12 00:40, En/na Eduard Gamonal ha escrit:
> Bona nit!
> Estic traduint això https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=721672
> Diuen:
> Please translate the file in the mozilla.org <http://mozilla.org> svn
> repository for the Thunderbird 10 What's New page, that is:
> /ca/thunderbird/10.0/whatsnew/index.html
> There is also an image with English text in this version showing off the
> new OpenSearch feature. If you want to provide a translated image, you
> can place it in:
> https://svn.mozilla.org/projects/mozilla.org/branches/staging/thunderbird/img/tb5/l10n/right-click-search-ca}.png
> OR attach it to this bug and I will commit it for you.
> Com hem traduït «OpenSearch» ? S'ha mantingut el nom original?
> Exemple d'imatge que demanen
> https://svn.mozilla.org/projects/mozilla.org/branches/staging/thunderbird/img/tb5/l10n/
> jo tinc Tb9. Si fa falta poso el 10, però si algú el té a mà seria
> genial que fes la imatge.

Una captura, Eduard.


Toni Hermoso Pulido
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